Chapter Eleven

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After Theo dropped me off back home, I went inside, washing off the makeup in my bathroom. The ramen had wiped most of my lipstick off, anyway, and even some of the foundation. Pausing, I thought back to the restaurant and knew why Theo had suggested it. Not only was it private, with booths hidden behind tapestry curtains, but it also had delicious food. I'd eaten everything we ordered and could have eaten more. Even Theo had seemed to have a large appetite with how many appetizers he ordered to begin with.

I smiled at the memory, and it grew when I thought about how he paid for everything, refusing to let me pitch in, because I'd offered to pay next time.

Next time.

I'd already forgotten my agreement with myself to lay off Theo...unless I could calm my heart down.

I hopped online to distract myself from my thoughts, excited to see that Levi was on early. "Hey!" I greeted him as I popped onto Discord with him.

"What's up?" he responded, and I could hear the clattering of his mechanical keyboard through his mic. "I'm doing some solo queue."

"Just got back," I told him, logging into League. I checked his match time, seeing it was close to fifty minutes. "Holy crap. Close game?"

"Kind of."

I decided not to distract him anymore, clicking over to the website where I posted my books. Soon, I'd need to start working on a new book. I'd finished my old ones to give myself a little time off to get used to working on set, but I was feeling the itch to write again. Especially with all the lovely comments my readers left me as I scanned over my profile and direct messages.

The idea of writing a romance with an actor as the lead popped into my head.

I clicked off the website. Nope. Not going there.

"Done," Levi said after a few more moments. "Damn, that was crazy. We won, though."

"Nice," I replied, seeing an invite ping on my screen.

"You want in on this?"

"Sure," I said just as my phone lit up with a call. My stomach rolled as I realized it was my mom. "Hold mom is calling."

Levi sucked in a short breath of air. "Oh no. Good luck."

I pushed my headset down so it hung around my neck and answered the call, putting my phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Maisie, I'm going to come visit you tomorrow."

I sat up straighter in my chair. "What?"

"I haven't seen you in weeks. I need to make sure you're staying healthy."

"I'm fine," I told her, racking my brain for what groceries I had in the fridge. Ice cream, Lunchables, frozen pizza... Nothing that could be considered healthy and nothing that wouldn't cause my mom to freak.

My mother sniffed. "I'll see that for myself."

"Mom, I'm busy tomorrow."

"With what?"

"I have a double," I lied. "Overnight."

I could almost feel her disappointment in her response. "Since when do you work on Sunday? You told me your schedule was four days during the week and three off including the weekend."

I figured I'd regret telling her a fake schedule one day, but I already had the next lie prepared. "I took a coworker's shift."

"Just for tomorrow?"


She sighed. "Don't overwork yourself, Maisie. I know being a nurse isn't easy."

"It's fine," I responded, getting the same anxious feeling I always did when I had to lie. "I don't mind."

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