Five - on the mission

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[words: 1443]

"Okay, just like we planned" Draco said to Harry at 7 in the morning, when they were getting ready. They made spell on them self to hide their true looks, which took more work for Harry to hide his scar. They left 7.30 by first using the fireplace to go to Harry's house, in the process they greeted Harry's small family and then continues with the directions the were given by Hermione.

"I've heard you have a girlfriend" Harry said like nothing, but really he was starving for information. "Mhm" Draco hummed, not putting effort to continue the conversitation. "How is she doing?" Harry asked. "Why are you asking questions about her? I thought you had a fiancé!" Draco said.

"Oh no! No, no! Nothing like that! I'm just curious to know" Harry said. "If you say so" Draco said. The conversitation was dead before it had even started, which made Harry dissapointed. They walked in a stressing silence. It was making Harry uncomfortable. These weren't the situations he enjoyed to be in.

"Is it okay if I call you my boyfriend? Just in case we need a reason why we are walking together?" Draco asked suddenly. The question was so sudden and suprising. Weren't they just seconds ago walking in silence? The guestions made butterflies fly around Harry's stomach. Why was he feeling these stupid feelings?

"Cat got your tongue, Potter?" Draco teased. "No, no, I was just lost in thought. It's okay" Harry said blinking his eyes. They were at the shop already? When?

"Shop of Freedom? Interesting name indeed" Draco said. Harry nodded as a sign of agreement. The owner clearly wasn't a creative person. They entered inside, the bell on top of the door making a sweet sound annoucing the worker of their entering. The shop was small and didn't have many shelves, but on what it had, there were really interesting stuff.

"Good morning sir, how can I help you?" the worker, who had came to them, asked from Draco. "No thank you, we're just looking around" Draco said politely. "No, no! I insist" the worker smiled. "No we really don-" "What would you reccomend from here?" Harry interrupted Draco. He gave Harry a hidden shocked glare, but the worker didn't notice. Harry ignored him. "Oh yes! I definently would reccomend the tattoo! It costs only 10 pounds too!" the worker said.

"Do you take galloons?" Harry asked. The worker looked at him. The worker had a look of curiosity on his face while he inspected Harry's face. "Of course, sir" he said finally and put the smile back on his face. "Well? Will you take tattoos?" he asked. "No thank you" Harry said, knowing very well Draco still had the dark mark on his arm from when he was forced to get it. "What a shame" the worker said. Harry started to look around, inspecting the shelves. The worker went back behind the desk he had and Draco started to inspect too.

The objects definently looked interesting, but Harry didn't see anything illegal yet. "Do you believe in wizards from children's books?" he asked the worker. They didn't even know for sure if it was a wizard shop yet. "Uhm... Well I believe everything is possible, so how would you call it" the worker said. "I see" Harry said. Harry still couldn't tell if he was a wizard or not. Then he got it.

"Hogwarts" Harry said. "Sorry, couldn't really get it. Could you repeat please?" the worker asked, clearly lying. Harry felt Draco's eyes on him, but he didn't say anything. "Hogwarts. Just the school I studied in. Very far away from here, you probably don't know it" Harry said looking at the worker. His face was in a ablosut shock. "Y- you- you just" the worker tried. "Do you know the school?" Draco joined the conversitation. "Y- yeah, I... You're wizards" the worker said. Harry nodded agreeing with him.

"Oh Merlin I am sorry I couldn't tell. Come, come. This is only the muggle side of the shop. Here's the wizard side" the worker said. He took his wand out (no dirty minds pls) and touched a certain spot on the wall with it. A door appeared adn the worker opened it for us. They all walked through and saw way bigger room with a huge amount of stuff. Harry could already see many objects that were illegal. "Are you the owner?" he asked.

"Yes, yes I am. I haven't gotten to the point where I can hire staff" the "worker" said. "Aren't those illegal?" Harry said pointing to a hand that crabs the hand who touches it and tries to crush the bones inside of it. The owner stayed silent. "And these spell books here, the spells seem to be illegal too" Harry said.

Then he felt a wand on his neck and saw the owner standing infront of him. "You tell to a single soul and you will be dead, get it?" the owner asked seriously. "Expelliarmus!" Draco shouted and took the owner's wand. "You don't hurt him, get it?" Draco asked angrily. "Sence when has he been so protective over me?" Harry thought.

Harry took his own wand out and undid the spell, showing his trueself. Draco did the same to himself. "Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy from the Ministery of Magic of the UK from the Auror section. We are here to arrest you from selling illegal objects, what we'll investigate more later and threat to kill me - not like you would be the first one to try -, you can say anything, but everything you have said can be used against you" Harry said. The owner looked mad if not crazy of anger.

"We will kill you eventually, Potter! Don't escape your future!" The owner shouted before Draco put him under a sleep spell, so he wouldn't be a problem. "I have heard that one before" Harry said. "Don't start to be comedian! What the actual FUCK were you thinking?" Draco asked angrily staring at Harry. He started to walk towards Harry, but he backed away, scared of the anger in his eyes. "Wh- what do you mean?" Harry asked.

"DO NOT JUST TAKE CONTROL LIKE THAT! I WAS DOING THE TALKING REALLY WELL! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO JUST START TO TALK TO HIM ALL OF SUDDEN?" Draco screamed. He had Harry pinned to a wall now, expect Draco didn't touch him. "I- I just-" Harry mumbled. "It was stupid!" Draco judged. Harry felt like something bad was going to happen, so he appared to the door of the room, away from Draco, only to hear Draco hit the spot he had just been in.

Harry stared eyes wide at Draco, who turned around and stared back in horror. "Harry I didn't meant to! I just lost control! I-" "I think Hermione was right, like always. We don't get along very well. I will just go to call the others so we can get this over and forget this thing" Harry said and turned away quickly.

"DON'T RUN AWAY WHEN I AM TRYING TO EXPLAIN MYSELF" Draco shouted before Harry could go away. "YOU TRIED TO FUCKING HIT ME! WHAT ELSE DO YOU EXPECT?" Harry shouted back. "Just please listen" Draco said. Harry thought, but his cruel personality won and he decided to stand in his place.

"I was really worried, that you could get yourself into a problem. The worry turned into anger and then I just lost control over it and I just- I'm sorry Harry. I really am. Just please don't leave me. I am trying to be a better person, I really am, but it's hard, Harry. You don't even know. My dad used every possible way to make me like him when I was a child and it has left its scars" Draco said.

"I know it's hard. Don't think you're the only one who had a rough childhood" Harry said. "Shit, sorry, again" Draco said. Harry sighed. "It's okay, just don't do it again please" Harry said. "I won't, I promise" Draco said. "Those are just words, please don't act like they mean something" Harry said. "Fucking shit! Is there anything I am not doing wrong?" Draco said half laughing.

And Harry couldn't help but say "Your skincare and what ever you do tho your hair. I like it. And you have muscle, so you have a good workout too" and immidately blushed. "Oh" Draco said. "I will go now! Someone really should tell the others" Harry quickly said and left to send a sign to Hermione to send help for them.

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