Chapter Five

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Screw it, updates will posted on every third Sunday OR MONDAY, from now on

He only stared into Leo's eyes for a second, but it felt like eternity to him.

The Omega's eyes were like beacons, the only thing that caught his attention. They looked exactly like Rose's, but while her's resembled a calm lake, Leo's reminded him of a blue scorching flame; fierce and oddly enchanting. As soon as those eyes laid on him, a rush of warmth flooded into his chest.

He almost gasped, and next thing he knew, Leo was gone. The back of his dark suit was the last thing Julian saw, before the young man retreated out the exit. As he left, Julian was filled with confusion, wondering what the hell just happened.

"Julian?" a voice whispered to him.

He turned to Rose, his mate, as she gave him a look of concern. She mouthed the words are you okay? to him, and after a moment of hesitation, he nodded. During this, the Priest gestured to the window that hovered over the statue, revealing the moon against the night sky.

"The Goddess has arisen!" He announced. "Rose Valentine of Nyx Valley and Julian Aether of Evergreen Valley, with her as you witness, you are now officially bonded for life."

The hall blared with sounds of cheers and clapping. Rose and Julian instinctively turned to their peers, hand in hand. Julian didn't need to search hard to see his parents in the front row. Solomon's expression of approval gave Julian some relief, but apprehension still snaked around his insides. Earlier, Leo had run away from him, and for some reason, he came back...only to run off again? What?

He knew he shouldn't be thinking about this, this was supposed to be the best day of his life. But the lingering warmth in his chest, tugging at his psyche.


After a while in a stuffy cathedral, Julian was relieved to be back home.

A royal blue carpet led him into the main half. He was met with dark wood that reached to the ceiling, carved in swirling intricate patterns. A light marble staircase was at the end of the hall, leading to the other dozen rooms that occupied the large manor. Anyone else would have gotten lost in the labyrinth of hallways, but Julian had been here since birth, every room ingrained in his memory. The building emitted a feeling of sophistication, but with a tinge of loneliness. The image of his bedroom suddenly appeared in his head, and he had an urge to go to bed early, feeling tiredness weighing down on him like a wet blanket. But, there was no time for that, since he had a party to plan. It could be a good thing, after all, he could finally get a chance to introduce Rose to his friends. Perhaps, Leo would show up—

Stop, he thought.

By the Goddess, why was he so obsessed with the runt, lately? Plus, from Leo's recent breakdown, it was highly unlikely he'll come. Julian scrunched his brows in thought, as he made his way towards the lounge. He had asked Rose what happened, but she had been too upset to answer. Despite being an only child, Julian knew a sibling argument when he saw one. Maybe Leo had been a lot madder about the ceremony than Julian originally thought, which must explain why he lashed out at him for no reason. Julian just couldn't understand Leo's grudge against him, they had seemed to be on good terms before the ceremony (the fact that they did not yell at each other by the second, was a major improvement). But now, Leo was going off about how Julian ruined his life and took away the people he loved. Leo was an unsolvable mystery, and even worse, he stuck to Julian's mind like a tumour. He should forget about Leo. After all, what has that annoying pipsqueak done besides confuse the shit out of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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