The sleeping boy

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Narrator's perspective:

The boy with blond hair sits cross-legged on the surface of the water, propping his head up with his right arm as he tries to sleep in his position. Unaware that a giant ship shaped like a whale is sailing towards him.

??? POV:

"How does he do that, Marco?" I hear Izo whisper.

"I didn't even know there was a Devil Fruit that allows its user to sit on the surface of the water," he says.

"I've never heard of it either, and you, Oyaji?" I ask him and turning to him.

"No, my son," says Whitebeard thoughtfully. He himself has sailed a lot and has heard and experienced a lot, but he has never heard of anything like this.

"See, I told you!" Haruta says happily, glad that she wasn't imagining things.

Flashback (10 minutes earlier):

The boys and I are sitting in the mess hall, and as usual, there is chaos here. Pirates are loudly laughing or arguing, as one steals food from the other, and Ace, who is asleep with his face in his food, as is often the case.

It gets even worse when some started throwing food at each other, but fortunately, Thatch comes in and sorts it out by giving them a lecture and threatening to withhold their food if they continue. That always works, and they sit quietly at their places and continue eating.

A normal morning for the Whitebeard Pirates.

Well, almost. When a breathless Haruta rushes into the mess hall.

"Th-there's someone on the sea," she says with a trembling voice.

"A ship from the Marines?" ask my father.

He looks worriedly at his daughter (I know, it's a guy, but in my story, he's a woman ;)), as he has never seen her in this state before.

"No!" says Haruta, who has somewhat composed herself. "Someone is sitting on the surface of the water."


"Haruta, are you sure you didn't imagine it?" Izo interrupts the silence.

"No, I didn't!" Haruta screams at poor Izo.

"What's going on here?" asks Ace, who has just woken up.

But Haruta is undeterred and grabs Izo by the arm, pulling him towards the deck.

"Maybe she just dreamt it?" Jozu suggests.

"Do you think I..." I am interrupted by a rushing Izo.

"You have to see this!" he says excitedly.

Almost everyone stands up abruptly and runs outside onto the deck.

End of flashback.

The Whitebeard Pirates stand in awe on the deck, watching the blonde-haired boy sleep seemingly effortlessly on the surface of the water as if it were the most natural thing in the world. They had thought Ace's sleeping habits were the craziest thing they had ever seen.

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