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THE LAST DAY OF TOUR CAME AND WENT as if it only lasted a couple seconds. The past 3 days have flown by , all with regret.

We were currently driving back, flo sleeping peacfully next to me resting her feet on my legs.

No matter how many times she said she forgave me today , i could not resist the guilt i couldnt get rid of. The fact we werent even together and i already screwed up meant she was right , how was she supposed to trust me ?

I watched her sleeping , her face covered by my jacket that i gave her as she was cold. She was so pretty, so peaceful and just ... perfect.

From that moment on, i vowed to myself on a tour bus going back home that if i ever heart her again then i would never forgive myself and would force myself to live with that feeling forever.

How many more times could i fuck up that badly... right?


EVENTUALLY WE GOT HOME, I SLIGHTLY shook flo. Her eye's fluttered open slowly , god she's so pretty.

'We're home,' I couldnt stop myself from smiling at her , it slowly transformed into a small life.

She looked at me with confusion, 'What?' She let out one of those nervous laughs she does when she doesnt want to be rude and just stare at you.

'You're so pretty.'

I saw the moment her cheeks flooded with heat, being overcome with a light blush.

'Stop Tom,' She hid her face, putting my jacket back on and standing up.

'No, i mean it. You are pretty.'

I saw the blush on her face instensify , watching as she grabbed her bag and phone and walked off the bus.

I'm literally in love.

'Stare any harder your gonna break her body i swear to god,' Bill said , of course he was the one to notice.

'Shut up.'


I laughed at the banter between the boys. I could tell Tom felt bad , he'd gone out of his way to make sure i was okay and happy.

I honestly forgot what he even did by the evening and that sleep on the bus really refreshed me to the point i dont even care anymore.

I picked up my phone seeing multiple messages from my parents.

What time does you bus come?

Nevermind i figured it out

We have something to tell you when u get home.

Florence can u answer me please

forget it. You'll be shocked later.

𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 | 𝐓𝐎𝐌 𝐊𝐀𝐔𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐙 𝐗 𝐎𝐂Where stories live. Discover now