That Was An "Accident"

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Your family dinner is in 2 hours. You have to get ready.

you and bill are perfect and look like a perfect couple

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you and bill are perfect and look like a perfect couple.
-waw you look super good (bill)
-thanks bill you too
-should we call each other by cool nicknames (bill)
-yeah no don't even think about it
You laugh
It's now time for diner and your family is here. They all think bill is pretty and you guys are good together.
-so bill, now that we did got to know each other we should do a little game.. (grandma)
You whisper to him this :
-don't forget that I love you and you'll always be my best friend whatever happens.
He smiled at you and gives you a little kiss on the cheek. You had butterfly in your stomach.
-so let's start :
If you had to choose between your mom and your girlfriend who would it be?, (grandma)
-my mom, it would be a hard choice but my mom is the first in my heart (bill)
-goodchoice bill (grandma)
-now, if you had to choose between a girl who have a good job but doesn't take a lot of time with you or a girl who have a small job but is always with you? (grandma)
-you know,money is always cool but I can search for a good job and just be with my wife a lot so I will choice the second option. (bill)
-that's a good answer.. (grandpa)
They continue to ask questions to bill but more personal question and you're impress because he's having only good answer about you.
The family dinner is now ended and you're telling everyone goodbye then you two go to your room.
-waw I'm so impressed about earlier all the question were correct it's the first time we see this in the family.
-I guess it's the first time that the family have a perfect boyfriend for their little girl . (bill)
-oh shut up bill.
You guys laugh and then you were looking at each other with love in the eyes you got closer to him and you kissed him. At first he was shocked but then he close he's eyes and kisses you back. You realized what you just did and stepped back.
-omg bill I'm literally so sorry I didn't mean to do that. It's just that I don't know I'm sorry..
-don't worry princess I can be irresistibly sometimes but anyways I should go home my family is waiting for me. (bill)
-oh um yes you're right love you bye
-yes love you (bill)
He was going to open the door but you called him, he turned around and you gave him a big hug with a kiss on the cheek.
He smiled and give you too a kiss on the cheek.
He leave the house and go to his family.

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