Live your life

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(You're on the phone with you're best friend)
-omg guess what (y/n)
- what do you want? (bill)
-my parents and my brothers are going on vacation so this mean that I am gonna be home alone and that's mean that we can do sleepovers too!
-oh. my. god. that's awesome!! I'm soo exited!! (bill)
-yeah me too they will leave tomorrow which means it's during the holidays!!
-yayyy that's sooo cool. Should we invite tom Gustav and goerge too? (bill)
-oh yeah that's a great idea It will be much better if we are more
-yeah I agree (Bill)
-billy I have to go for diner. Love ya
-okay see you tomorrow see ya. Love you too
(phone call end)

You're so exited about this holiday. It's gonna be the most fun holidays of your life.

You have dinner and your parents ask if you are sure to stay here while they are on vacation.
-sweetheart are you sure you want to stay here? (mom)
- yeah I'm 100 percent sure
-it's your decision baby we don't want you to be bored alone here (mom)
-mom I already said it's gonna be OK don't worry. I can still go out with my friends
-yeah you're right. But don't forget thee rules: we don't all-  (mom)
-allow boys in the house.. Mooom I know it's not like I have a boyfriend or something
-yeah I know but we don't know what can happen(mom)
(your brother laugh)
-matt that's definitely not funny
-Yes it is (matt)
-shut up matt
-y/n language (dad)
-ok ok dad.
(you finished dinner and you're going to your room)
Now that your on your room you can text the boys.
(on a group on Instagram)
-hi guys I don't know if bill already told you but my parents are going to a trip so they are not home and, with bill, we decided to do a sleepover with you guys.
-that's sound cool (Tom)
-yeah I agree I'm coming for sure! (Gustav)
-yes same (Goerge)
-okay it's gonna be so fun!
-yayy I'm exited (bill)
-agree (Goerge)
it's late you have to sleep so tomorrow you are in shape.

(Tomorrow morning)
-bye mom, bye dad, bye matt love you guys.
-bye sweetheart (dad)
-bye baby. Call me if anything happens (hugs you) (mom)
-yeah bye sis. (whispers) live your life (matt)
(you smile and Matt too)
You see the car moving away and you grab your phone fast to messages the boys.
(on message on Instagram)
- hi guys my parents are gone you can come and don't forget your swimsuit!
-yeah yeah don't worry(Tom)
-we're getting ready! (Bill)
-yeah goerge and I are coming (Gustav)
-it's gonna be so fun guys!
-yeahhhhh (Bill)

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