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"What do you mean you turned me?" said Lena " I know you saw my eyes flickering red but when you cut your hand on that glass when you dropped your wine cooler then all that blood poured down your hand I lost it. . . I couldn't control myself" Atlas said as he looks up to me "I know your probably thinking what am I or you probably figured it out already"
As I look up at Atlas in disbelief I think to myself of the situation and suddenly I'm hungry and I think to myself " Am I a vampire?" "I'm sorry but yes but your no ordinary vampire I can smell It and also I'm not just a vampire . . . I'm PRINCE OF THE VAMPIRES and you have my blood roaming around you so you might end up with some of my powers, see the thing with royal vampires we have powers but vampires who aren't born a vampire or not bitten by a royal don't get any powers whatsoever" says Atlas " are you saying that I'm not just a vampire right now?" says Lena. I can't be more than a fucking vampire right now I literally just became a vampire today and not only that I'm going to have fucking powers this is a lot to deal with and that's not even the worst part and you want to know what that is now that I'm a vampire/ unknown creature and has powers that I don't know what it is or know how to control is yet that means I have to leave my mother the person who took care of me for years since my dad died its always been us and how I have to leave her and my family behind. " yes I don't know what you are yet we will find out and all due time but to answer your question yes you're not just a vampire" says Atlas " will I have to leave my mom " said Lena
As Atlas is starting at the window I start to wonder what my life is going to become " For now yes just tell her you're going on a trip for a while and that will give us time for me to teach you how to control your powers and most importantly your thirst" as he hands me a blood bag. I started to hesitate and think to myself am I really going to drink blood as I'm rejecting the blood in my head my body starts to get weak "Fine I will drink the goddamn blood" I start to drink the whole bag as much as I didn't want to admit it but it was so good but I'm a going to admit that to Atlas no "I hope you know I can read your thought I'm happy to know you like the blood" Atlas says with a smirk " I'll wipe that smirk off your face" as I'm lunging toward Atlas to fight him I fall off the balcony hanging on the edge as Atlas grabs me " Now if you were fully trained that wouldn't have happened you should take this serious" Atlas says as he pulls me up " oh and just so you know another reason I'm training you is bc if you get out there and smell my blood running through your body and not only will they smell that they are gonna smell that you're not just a vampire to them you're a threat and they are gonna do everything in their power to kill you to get their hands on my blood get some rest we start first thing in the morning"
As I lay down in Atlas's bed I start to go to sleep to get ready for the next day a woman comes up to me she has long red hair, with a long black dress she is beautiful " Lena what am I about to tell you is important so listen up My name is Celest I'm your grandmother" says Celest. I think to myself my grandmother my mom told me my grandmother passed away a long time ago way before I was born. " I can hear your thoughts girl," says Celest " god damn it," I say as I look up at my grandmother Celest "Well if you must know yes I'm your grandmother that died way before you were born I died in 1878 does that date ring a bell," says grandmother Celest. I look up at my grandmother in disbelief " THE SALEM WITCH TRIALS" I say "Yes my dear now back to what I was saying I died in the witch trials for being a witch and I'm not just one, your mother is, and you are as soon your powers are gonna be stronger than Atlas Baxters I want you to trust him our family for generations the Baxters have always helped us but now that your a vampire and a witch he is right to be careful who you trust every vampire or any other creature is going to want your blood or your power may be both" says Celest" I have to go now I love you and you look more and more like your mouth when I see if you need me just close your eyes and dream" .
I wake up in shock that I'm in Atlas bed that was a dream but it didn't feel like a dream I should let Atlas know what happened. As I turn over in Atlas bed I'm staring at Atlas on the other side of the bed " good morning have you had a good sleep " says Atlas.I smile at Atlas even though he is gorgeous he is so corny " I have to tell you something when I went to sleep I saw my grandmother Celest who died in the Salem Witch trials she told me to trust you but not only that I'm a witch" I say you Atlas. Atlas smiles up at me as we lay down next to each other in his bed "I know I was waiting on her to appear"

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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