Go Easy (Jey Uso ❣️ Reader)

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Summary: Jey finds you trying to perfect your gymnastics routine when you don't come home on time

You and Jey met at a sporting fundraising event for multiple athletes and entertainers through a mutual friend

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You and Jey met at a sporting fundraising event for multiple athletes and entertainers through a mutual friend. You were good friends with Trinity after working with her on multiple athletic shoots and magazines, who invited you to an afterparty. You gladly accepted her invitation, as you were always fond of meeting a variety of athletes and sports personnel. 

It was always entertaining to party with a variety of athletes from a range of sports and professions, hearing stories and their experiences in their respective sports. You would also attend any live event or show for WWE with Trinity if you had the time of course as you grew fond of wrestling through your respective friendship. You were always glad to go support her husband and her at any given time.

However, you weren't always able to accept her invite or make it to showings because you were always busy yourself, training for competitions. You were a professional gymnast, known to be a world-class elite and your 3-time Olympic wins. You've been doing gymnastics since you could do your first split at 5 and had been competing competitively since the age of 10. You began competing worldwide at 15 and participating in the Olympics since the age of 17 winning silver in your first Olympic and gold in the last two.

So yeah, you would try to visit every event and show you could with Trinity, when your schedule saw fit. Jey had been introduced to you by Jimmy, after the first WrestleMania you had to go to with Trinity. You had shyly waved and introduced yourself to him, all while Trinity teased you and playfully shoved your arm. They had invited you to celebrate with them after WrestleMania for some of the superstars' big wins.

You were hesitant to accept, but Trinity insisted so you gave in and eventually found yourself at a restaurant with multiple superstars. You felt out of place since you weren't a part of the group or sport, feeling like you crashed it in a way. But Jey had noticed your silent demeanor, so he tried involving you in the conversation.

Eventually after a few drinks and jokes, you ended up talking and laughing with them for the rest of the night, especially Jey. Something about his demeanor was comforting and calming. It made it easier for you to talk to him since he was very funny and laid-back in comparison to the more charismatic and egotistical people you were used to conversing with. After that. he would talk to you every time you would hang out with Trinity, always asking her and Jimmy about you when you couldn't make the shows.

Both of you became closer and he eventually asked you out on a date. One date led, to two which eventually lead to a relationship that the media went crazy about. It's been a year since you two had officially started dating and you couldn't be happier. He would go to support you during your competitions whenever he could, and you would support his big matches and championship runs.

Today both of you have gone to training, Jey left an hour earlier to help superstars train in the performance center. At the same time, you had spent the majority of your day trying to perfect your routine. You were a perfectionist when it came to your sport, pushing yourself to practice your routines until you nailed it down and could do it with your eyes close. This time, however, you were struggling with Protanova Vault.

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