Lego houses ( Finn Balor ♡ Reader)

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Imagine - Being The demon kings girlfriend, and having chill days all weekend with friends. But one day the reader challenges Finn to a Lego build battle.  Thanks again to @smolbeanlife for the request using prompts (36. I bet I can build legos better than you and 99.If this makes me a child so  be it)

It was just a typical Saturday morning. Hanging out at Finn's house with Neville and Sami. Neville and I,  binge watching Mr. Robot and Arrow  while eating pancakes. Sami and Finn are down the hall playing with legos and joking around. What a good way to start our Chill weekend once again.
"So Y/N, how's being a YouTuber going for ya'?" Neville asked as he was looking for where we left off at last week. "Omg, it's doing awesome. Me and My friend Scott have made a new sever, so I have a chance to meet some of his friends also. And I finally reached 1 million subscribers so I'm gonna live stream in 2 weeks. " I said, as my eyes lit up at the sight off seeing arrow on the screen.

Soon Neville and I watched through the first 4 episodes of season 3,before I popped a question on him. "Who in the show do you have a crush on? "I said smirking knowing his answer.  He looked down and blushed, as he spilled some coffee on his gym shorts from Shyness. I couldn't help but giggle. "F-Felicity Smoak, I mean she is really smart and good at technology. And have you seen the actress who plays her. And God her and Oliver together makes my heart crumble a little, "He ranted before switching tables. "About Oliver anyway, How do your feel about him and felicity getting back together if they do?? because it at break my hurt but they are my top otp,"he said with a mischievous smile. I blushes a bit and bit my lips before I started a full on Rant, "They may be my Top Otp too but that girl had her chance. Now Its MY turn. If she even breathes the same air as Oliver or thinks about him again I'm sorry Neville but imma have to stab a bitch. " We busted out laughing at my fictional meltdown and Soon fell off the couch. Finn and Sami came to the living room for some coffee, and gave us confuse looks on what was going on.

"Oh hey, how's my Ginger kitten and finnamion roll doing?" I ask ,as I gave Neville a look of don't tell finn what I said or you're dead. "I'm doing fine. Ya' know just beating Sami's arse, because he thinks he can build a better Lego car than me. " Finn replied as he grinned at the whining Ginger and winked at me. God I love their dorky personality more than anything. I men they are talented wrestlers and all but their dorky attitudes just kills me everytime.
"Well, I bet I can build a better Lego house than you hun, "I mumbled as I got a chuckle from Neville and I side eye from Finn. "Come again love', I didn't hear ya nice voice "he said knowing I just started a bet with him. "I said I bet I can build a better Lego house than you, Finn " earning a smirk from the demon king.
"Me ...You Lego Room Now Hun. Ya' done started war with the demon king. And the king don't back down from war, " he said standing up and turned off the tv. "Hey, we just got into Mr. Robot... "Me and Neville yelled as, Sami got offended and said "Without me? What am I the third wheel? ".We looked at each other than towards Sami and blurted out "Yeah."

Finn sat across the table from me and kept smirking at me, As Neville and Sami just kept looking us two. Finally Sami said "Oh come on guys.... This is childish. Why waste a good hour on chill weekend doing this when we could go to the gym or to the mall.. ". I looked up at Sami and responded with a confident smile. "If this makes us children, So be it" . I looked over at finn, whom kept Grinning like a boy on Christmas day. "Let the BEST person win luv', " Finn said as he winked at me.

~1 hour later~
"Okay times up Y/N, "Finn said as he stood up looking into my eyes.He licked his lips and grinned knowing that he had indeed won. I spent my whole hour thinking of a theme, what colors looked lovely and how to shape the house, while finn already had the front garden done and was building the start of the house. In defeat I, just sighed.

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Preparing to hear him brag and Cheer himself on for beating me, I just crossed my arms and looked at my feet. I knew challenging him would be hard, but who knew it would be so hard to build without instructions. As I was pouting like a 2 year old, I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. I looked up to smiling finn. He leaned in closely and whispered "You did great, Y/N" and chuckled a bit. I was surprised at his actions. Usually he would be quick to celebrate, but not today. "Ya' house looks like a baby version of mine, so that makes it 10x cuter. "He blurted causing me to giggle a little bit.  He hugged me and smiled before saying

"Ya' know I won once again, but you'll always be my little winner Y/n, ". We held hands and walked into an full on argument between Sami and Neville, and we couldn't help but giggle.

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