5 Months later

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Jules Pov 

It's  May the 16th my due date is closing in, Ace has gone into over protective mode he won't let me pee by myself I appreciate and love him but it has to stop. Getting up to go to the toilet  Ace wakes up "Baby where you going?" "To the toilet I'll be right back okay, go back to sleep." Standing up I feel water rushing down my leg. "Baby!" I yell in  pain "What's going on?" "The baby is coming and he's coming now!" Ace eyes are wide open racing to put some pants on "Baby the bag." i ask "It's already in the car." waddling down the stairs ace carries me to the car. "You better fucking drive quick otherwise i'm giving birth in your car." as another braxton hicks hits 

Rushing into the emergency room "I need help my fiance is about to give birth." Ace panic's "Okay let's go." the nurse takes me to the delivery room with Aace holding my hand. "I'll call everyone now." Ace goes out of the room, about 30 minutes later everyone has arrived "You excited to meet the baby sweetie?" Mom asks "Yes of course. I need him out of me, how's your pregnancy going?" asking roxanne "It's going really good we're having a girl." I wince at another hicks. 

The nurse comes in and checks "Alright everyone out of the room besides the dad." nurse instructs "Okay Jules your fully dilated push on the next contraction 3,2,1 go." "I fucking hate you ace." holding his hand tight "and breath jules again push." "I' am fucking pushing. sorry" the nurse laughs "It's okay I've had worse. The baby crowning i can see the head dad do you wanna look?" she asks Ace looks his face pales "Don't you dare throw up or pass out i'll kill you." glaring at him. He comes back over holding my hand giving me kisses "Your doing amazing sweetie."  looking at him in disbelief "did you seriously quote a meme?"  "Yes i did, but you are." aww how cute

 "That's sweet but i'm pushing your child out of my vagina." i hear the nurse laugh "Ready jules." nodding my head "good now push jules push." "AHHHHHHHHHHH" Ace screams with me "take a break and breath."she instructs "go push push i can see the head." "I'M GOING TO CUT YOUR DICK OFF!" i scream at ace I suddenly hear crying. " He's here." i start crying as the nurse places him on my chest she leaves the room to give us some space . i look up and see ace crying as well "You did it baby, you did it." smiling up at him giving me a kiss.

 Ace takes his shirt off to hold him as he holds him and his little fingers "Welcome to the world little man. I'm your daddy" he says making me cry more passing him back to me  as he cries knowing he's hungry. He latched onto my boob straight away "I know little man i like those too." i laugh at him  "I think he looks exactly like you." smiling at him "Baby he's barely even five minutes old. I'm going to grab everyone" he says 10 minutes later everyone comes in "Awww my god." "he looks like you Ace." "congratulations." mom, roxanne, lenny and dad  said  "So what's the name?" Donna asked  i look at ace "This is Luca Roman Feder." Ace said "That's beautiful guys,alright let them rest well see you tomorrow." Dad said once they all left "Did you really mean that your going to cut my dick off?" i laugh at him "No baby, i love but there are times when you act like a blonde." smiling at him as he laughs      

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