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I twirled my scythe slowly in my hand. A black robe adorned my body, a mask covering my face. I smiled behind it as tears streamed down my face from my sorrow and rage. Multiple reapers lay on the ground behind me, and I dug my boots into the ground before I rushed forward. A demon about 60 feet tall stood before me, roaring so loud it shook the trees and every bone in my body. Black and white crystals shot from every part of its body, regrowing as I jumped atop one and swung my scythe smashing another.
Twirling the scythe faster and faster I raised it above my head, mustering all the power I could as I dug my scythe into the demons arm and shattered the Crystal's going down to its claws. It roared in pain and swung at me, its movements slow but calculated as its arm slammed into me mid fall and I went flying through the trees. I landed, back against a tree in the forest as I gasped for breath and took my mask off. My eyes were glowing red, and I cracked my neck before I stood up again. A roar ripped from my lips and I rushed through the trees again as I kicked my scythe up from the ground and into my hand.
The demon limped forward, cracks running up its other arm as I ran from the trees. I slid to a stop, watching as my target began to crumble. I swung my scythe, smashing Crystal's away from my body as I ran forward and began a low chant. The bodies of my fallen comrades rose as the demon stopped to reform its body. The crystaline figure regrowing its arms as it roared in rage. Scythes raised and I looked back, turning toward the corpses as I swung my scythe around my body in a motion that said forward as I twirled to face the demon again. I placed the end of my scythe on the ground, staring up at our target and wiping blood from my forehead, o ly managing to smear it.
"Meet your end." I spoke clearly, a deep growl rumbling from my chest as my fallen comrades rushed past me, scythes raising as they each jumped to different heights and dug their scythes into the demons body. It roared in pain and I backed up. Raising my scythe again before I ran forward and twirled it in my fingers. With a leap only an inhuman could muster I raise my scythe high. And brought it down ahrd into the demons chest. It roared, a rumbling shaking the earth as its body began to crack before it exploded into millions of pieces.
I fell, landing in the pile of corpses and crystals. A gem lay beside me, black and white, shining as a soul rushed through it trying to escape. I slowly sat up and picked the gem up, smiling at my victory.

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