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---Notes at the End!--- 

--Swears, just so you know. They'll be at the end, so you can scroll down to check if you wanna read it!--


Donnie lands on the cold floor.

He lifts his head and looks around. It's pitch black outside.


I'm in trouble.

"Is someone there?"

He quickly ducks into a bathroom.


Must have been a janitor.

The turtle looks around, desperate for an exit.


A small window in the corner, away from the stalls. A cat pokes its head into the room.


He hears the doorknob start to turn.

He jumps up, pulling himself through the window.

"Hey!" The janitor shouts from inside.

"Who robs a library?"

Surely they won't waste their time chasing me.

Donnie turns around, seeing that who he thought was a janitor doesn't look like one at all.

It's a lady with brown hair tied in a messy bun, pale freckly skin, and-

And she's coming right for him.

She hops out the window and chases him.

What the hell?

"Crap." He jumps up a ladder on the side of a building, wishing he had brought his jetpack, or the battle shell with arms, or anything that would help him get away from this woman.

Must be the librarian.

"Sorry, wrong library!" Donnie shouts, hoping she'll-

"Not buying it! What're you doing in a library at ten at night?"

She's still following me?

He looks behind him, seeing a librarian running after him.

"Are you crazy?"

She yells as he jumps to the next rooftop.

This is tiring.

He runs and runs, hoping that she'll give up. The turtle hears a yell from behind him.


Donnie spins around.

She's not there.

Wind blows his hood down, and he spots her.

Hanging on the side of the building.

Raph’s gonna kill me.

He darts over, putting his stuff down.

Pulling the librarian up, he notices her name tag.


"I'd-" inhale, "-scold you, but-" Katherine keeps gulping in the air, while Donnie gets ready to leave.


He pulls his hoodie up.



"Thanks- I guess? Even though- You stole that, right?"


She sits there for a minute.

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