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I looked up, watching him walk swiftly to the front, pulling the hood of his shirt up on his head. I grabbed the money for the uber, got up and took off after him. He stepped out the door and into the pouring rain. Just as I made it to the door, I bumped into someone coming in. It was Jenelope and her on again, off again boyfriend Maddox.

"Bayleigh? What are you doing here?" She asked in surprise.

I looked over her shoulder to see Sam fidgeting with his car keys outside. Jenelope followed my gaze, watching Sam as he dropped his keys to the ground.

"Please tell me you're not chasing trailer trash?" Jenelope asked, chewing her gum.

"No" I lied.

"You left the after party with him Friday night and everybody has already heard about he and Ethan's scuffle today" she grinned mischievously. "Are you slumming it now, are you stooping this low for some love triangle drama?"

"No, it's not like that" I growled.

Sam grabbed up his keys and unlocked the door. The rain was really coming down now. I pushed passed Jenelope and rushed out into the rain just as Sam opened the driver door and disappeared inside the jeep.

"Hey?!" I screamed.

I grabbed the driver door just as he was closing it.

"What the...?" He said.

"I wasn't done talking" I said.

"Yea, well I was" Sam frowned.

"What are you doing?" Jenelope called.

I cringed at her voice, but ignored her.

"So, is that how it works the conversation is just done when you say it's done?" I asked.

"Look bruh, what do you want from me?" Sam asked.

I tossed his money back into his lap. He looked down at it, and then back up at me.

"I want you to take me home now" I demanded.

Sam looked at me, his one pierced eyebrow raised. I was nearly drenched now and freezing. I could feel the rain dripping from my hair to my t-shirt. Sam sighed lightly, reached over and pushed the passenger door open.

"Get in" he muttered, jerking his chin towards the passenger door.

He put the keys into the ignition, turned it and the jeep roared to life. Just as I walked around the front, the headlights came on. They're white, halogen glow piercing through the gloomy weather and the light fog that had begun to settle. Jenelope was standing under the covering of the restaurant, her eyes wide with surprise, as I climbed into the passenger side and shut the door.

"Who is that?" Sam asked, as he let down the E-brake and positioned the gear shift to reverse.

"Just a friend" I muttered with embarrassment.

"Are all of your friends this delightful?" he asked sarcastically with a smug grin.

I was honestly starting to question if I had any real friends besides the twins.

"What about your car?" he asked.

"I'll get it tomorrow. My dad can drop me off on his way to work" I explained.

We finally stepped off the elevator on our floor around 5pm. Sam had retrieved one of his jackets from the floor of the jeep and draped it around me so I wouldn't freeze to death. Now his light blue, denim jacket, rested on my shoulders as we started down the hall. Once we got to our front doors Sam leaned on his, looking down at his keys in his hand. The silence was so thick and so awkward you could practically touch it. I shuffled my right foot, looking down at my backpack down to my side in my right hand. Sam continued to lean on his door.

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