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It's been about two and a half hours, since Sam left with his father. I was starting to get worried while everyone around me was partying. I watched as Desmond and Asher danced and Desiree talked to Dom. I could tell Lynx was worried as well; he sat nursing a half full beer bottle, every now and then looking up at the door.

Lobos was packed with prom goers and everyone was having a good time. The front door swung open, and I turned my head. Sam stepped in the door closing it behind him. I quickly leaped up from the barstool I was seated and walked over to him. He made his way closer to me. I could see him wince in pain and he was limping. One of his pants legs looked to be soaking wet and the bottom of his shirt was torn.

"Baby what happened, what's going on with your leg?" I questioned, placing my hands on his face.

"It's okay, it's nothing for you to be concerned about" Sam smiled.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

He nodded.

Just then 'My Person' by Spencer Crandell began playing from the jukebox. I knew it was a long shot with him, especially seeing how he'd blown off Jenna and Piper, but I was hoping I was different.

"Hey?" I said.

He looked down at me, a perplexed look on his face.

"I know you don't do dances...but do you think you can dance?" I asked.

He stood there for a moment looking down on me as if mulling something over in his mind. I continued to look at him, my eyes pleading. Finally, he leaned into me and took my hand.

"As long as we can sway back and forth and don't have to do any crazy steps" he said.

I nodded as we stepped passed the few pool tables and over to the small, wooden dance floor near the jukebox. I laid my head on his chest as we moved back and forth to the music. From the side of my eyes, I could see Jenna near the food table swelling with anger. I couldn't stop the triumphant smile that crossed my face. Sam was mine, he was truly mine and nothing could ruin this night.


Everyone jumped as the door came flying open. Standing in the door were two policemen, Cynthia, Ethan, and his parents. Sam and I stopped dancing and were looking upon them with shock.

"It was that guy right there officer" Cynthia said, as she pointed to Sam.

"What?" Sam questioned.

The officers pushed passed me and moved toward Sam.

"Sam Jessup, you are under arrest for breaking and entering and the aggravated assault of Ethan Daniels" one of the officers said, as they grabbed Sam's arms.

"Oh come on, you've got to be kidding me" Sam growled, as he struggled against the officer.

"Wait, what is happening right now?" I questioned.

I could feel my worry boiling over and my throat going dry. Everyone around us were watching in awe. I felt my heart began to race as my fear rose. What was happening?

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law" One of the officers started, as they read Sam the Miranda rights.

The other officer put a set of cuffs on Sam and snapped them down tight.

"What are you doing you can't just take him away" I screamed, tears were forming in my eyes.

"Baby I'll be okay alright?" Sam said. "Just call Cera and she'll know what to do" Sam replied as the officers pushed him out the front door.

I ran behind them and the crowd ran behind me, everyone emptying out into the chilled night. I looked over at Ethan and Cynthia who were sharing identical sly grins as they watched Sam be taken away by the police. Everyone was outside now watching as Sam ducked his head into the police car and sit down. After shutting the door, the policemen walked around, got inside the car and drove away. This can't be happening.

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