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Felix POV
I was walking to school meeting up with my best friend Jeongin and my brother Minho. We went to go get Starbucks before going to school. 


I went to my class sitting at my sit that was in the back next to the window. Well first hello Im Lee Felix I go to a very special school for hybrids and vampires. Yes hybrids and vampires.  All hybrids will have a Vampire mate. Is Minho a vampire? Yes he is. Me while Im a wolf hybrid. But i was sitting when the teacher came in with somebody or should I say Seo Chanbin. The son of the founder of the school. And yes i do like him but i know I have no chance due to find their mate unless other wise. But people are scared of him but he's best friends with my brother along with other vampires. 

I sighed as he sat next to me. Always has and all ways will. I look at the door to see Jeongin and Jisung. I quickly went to the door. "Hey." I said. "We found our mates." They both said. "Who are they?" I asked. "Woojin and Bang Chan." Jeongin said.  "Your bother." Jisung said. I looked at Jisung wide eyed. "We'll talk about this more at lunch." I said. They nodded before leaving.


I went and put my stuff in my locker before going to the lunch room finding our table. I sat down as I see the others coming along with Changbin. I looked at Minho who was with Jisung. "Felix Jis-." I stopped him. "I know he told me this morning along with the 3." I said.

He nodded as I went to get lunch. I came back sitting down to only push my tray to the middle bitting into my apple. "Are you not going to eat?" Changbin asked. "I really dont eat." I said. "Felix we all know thats a lie." Jisung said. "Sorry but im not really that hungry." I said. They nodde as they began eating. I grab my drawing book and started drawing. 

I hear the other talking before the bell. I grab my bag before going to class as I went to show my art teacher my project she has given me. I went to grab my things as I looked to see girls talking to Changbin how was just ignoring the girls till he saw me. He smiled with a wink as he entered the class. "W-what are y-you doing here Hyung?" I stuttered with a blush. "Wanted to see you before I head to class to see if you were okay." He said. "Hyung we have the next class together." I said. 

"I dont care." He laughed. I giggled and pushed him out the classroom. "Go before your late." I smiled. "Fine." He smiled walking away. I went back in as My teacher gave me back my book. I thank her as I went to finish my project.

The tail of a love story. 

I wrote those words before going to Mr.Jeon. I gave him my poster as he looked over it. He looked at me. "Its your tail is it Felix?" He asked I nodded. "Well good job on the project Ill give you extra points for doing it on experience." He said. I thanked him as he went to hang my picture pout side along with taking a picture. I sat down and looked out side to only see a girl kissing Changbin who only pushed her off in instant. I looked away trying not to break on how Changbin will never be my mate.

I get up with my stuff before leaving the class and walking off campus going home. I went to my room changing into something more comfortable before laying down and taking a nap.


I wake up due to the door slamming open along with yelling. I heard running comeing to my room then the door opened I looked to see Minho and Changbin. I Looked away trying to go back to sleep. "Felix are you okay" Minho asked. I nodded but really I wasnt but then I let out a scream as i felt burning on my back along with Changbin. I quickly took off my shirt to fall to the floor crying in pain. 

Next thing I know i was next to Changbin and the pain was quickly gone. Minho looked at my backed and gasp as he made Changbin take off his. "Guys you both have the same markings on your back." He said. We both look sure enough.

I looked at him as I blushed. "But wait aren't roses like that descendants of the the royal family?" Minho asked. Changbin nodded. "But right now there's something yall two have to do expacally with this type of mark." Minho smirked. I slapped him as he laughed walking away.


Weeks went by from the day we found out but we went to Changbins grandmother who was one of the royal family as she told us story's and info we didnt know about. Then we went to the palace. We talked to the king a queen about it as they told us their info as that made me and Changbin the royal prince and princess.

 Why as the princess? You guessed right. Hybrids are know as bottoms and know to surve their mate and stand by them at all times. I smiled they told us that we could still live a normal life but as the prince and princess of the county. 

I smiled at Minho who had tagged along with Jisung. "You and Felix will rule this kingdom when the time is right we will help teach you along the way on how to rule this kingdom." King Lee said. We nodded as we went to dinner.


Soon the royal day has come as me and Changbin grew strong and thanking for us as we were chosen to be mates. I thank the gods for giving me this man as now I am his wife. 

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