Red, and Blue Lights Cover 75

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"On your way out?" I ask my husband Ben as he picked up his phone, and put it in his pocket. Ben is a police officer with the Cincinnati Police department, and had just passed the Sergeants exams, and for myself I'm a Broadcasters assistant with the Cincinnati Bengals. Essentially my job is making sure all the stats in the scripts, and papers are correct. On this cold November Sunday Ben was leaving for his shift as I was waking up. I didn't have to be at the stadium until five so I got up a little earlier than normal so that I can see Ben before he leaves. Ben smiles, and says "Yup. The scanner's on, and I get off at three so I'll probably come home to shower, and change into my jersey before heading to the stadium. I'll probably get there around five thirty." "Sounds good babe. I love you, now go take the bad guys off the street." I say smiling before kissing him goodbye.

"Hey Em. It's nice to finally grab breakfast with you. Between having Josie, and planning the wedding I feel like I've been busier than ever." My best friend Claire tells me as she sits down in the cafe on the opposite side of the table as me. I smile, and say "I know. With the season being in full swing, and Ben working it feels like we don't get to see each other outside of the stadium anymore." A few minutes later we were sipping on our coffee when a cruiser speeds by with the lights flashing, and the sirens ringing. "Oh that's Ben." I told Claire "I recognize the cruiser number." I added smiling.

"Emma right? I work with Ben, I'm Jake Morgan." A uniformed officer said to me as we waited for our to go drinks. I smile, and say "I've heard about you. Ben speaks very highly of you, and the rest of your coworkers." "Good. Ben James is one of the best cops I know, and he deserves every promotion coming his way which tell him congratulations on passing the sergeants exam." Before I can say anything we see a line of cop cruisers drive by. Jake raised his eyebrow as he turned up the volume on his radio. "Officer down, I repeat Officer Down." We hear it say. "Shit." Jake says as he starts running out the door, me following close behind. I know I sound crazy I just- I have a feeling.

After getting in my car, and speeding as I followed behind Jake to whatever scene is going on Josie calls me. "What happened Em? Sam is over, and is freaking out." I tried not to cry as I said "They called Officer Down over the radio. I think it's Ben." The line goes silent before I drive up to where all the cop cars were, and found them surrounding the officer. I don't even hang up on Claire before getting out of the car, and yelling "Ben. Ben please." One of the officers comes up to me, and says "Ma'am we have an officer down, you need to leave." I grab the cops arms, and looked around, trying to see who was down. "Please just tell me who it is." I begged in tears. He sighs, and says "Ma'am I'm sorry but I can't tell you that. I'm going to ask-" "Is it Ben James? Please, he's my husband. God I can't loose him." I continued to beg. "Follow me." He says.

"I have his wife here. She's begging to see him, and let's be honest." Is all I hear before I zone out as I continued looking for Ben in a sea of blue, and praying that I was wrong. "Ben." I yelled in tears. Not hearing any response I push through, and see paramedics with Ben. "Please let me go see him. He's my husband." I begged one of them in tears. "Officer Janko." He yells before another officer walked over to us. "Please escort Mrs.James to Officer James." The woman nods before clearing a path, making Ben easier to see. I run to him, and get on my knees next to him as I said "Ben baby." I put my hand on his cheek as I asked in tears "What happened? I thought I told you to be safe." Ben reached up, and held my cheek as he said roughly "I love you Emmy. I love you so much." "Don't say that babe. Tell me that when we get to the hospital." I said I felt Ben's grip loosen. "I love you Emmy." He says before his arm drops. I burst into tears as I held onto his shoulders. "No no no." I begged. "Please don't go." "Time of death. Twelve forty five." The paramedic working on Ben said. I look down at my husband, and hold onto him sobbing. "No no no." I kept repeating to Ben. "He can't be gone."

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