part 2:following boyfriend

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(Reminder:Axel and Evelyn aren't dating yet, so this is her ex)

[The next day, Evelyn decides to follow her boyfriend]

Evelyn:I swear if he is cheating on me, I'm gonna break up with him, or he's not cheating on me, but I really want to know if he's cheating or not on me.

   [Evelyn sees her boyfriend (ex) with a gir]

Evelyn mind:why is he with a girl? Are they friends, but he never mentioned he was meeting a friend today.

                     [boyfriend (ex) pov]

Random Girl:When are you gonna break up with that girl?
Boyfriend (ex):soon darling, you just have to wait until I do.
Random girl:Why are you even still with her?
Boyfriend (ex):Because of money, obviously, so I can get you stuff with it.
Random girl:I guess you're right, babe.

                    [Evelyn stops hiding]   

Boyfriend (ex):huh babe, how did you-
Evelyn:I followed you that's what how long have you been cheating on me and using me?!
Random girl:does it even matter how long as he doesn't even love you as he loves me.
Evelyn:no one asked you!
Boyfriend (ex):its not what it look like she put her self on me! 
Evelyn:I know you cheated so don't even say you didn't.
Boyfriend (ex):let's talk about all of this at your house.
Evelyn:don't doubt it.     

Still short but you will have to wait until I do longer parts.


234 words


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