part 3:breaking up with boyfriend

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(Reminder:Axel and Evelyn aren't dating yet, so this is her ex)

Ex boyfriend:What do you mean by that darling?!
Evelyn:You should know as you cheated on me!
Random girl:I'm surprised that you are gonna do it.
Ex boyfriend:You can't break up with me, love, as you will just come back for me.
Evelyn:I'm not gonna as we are over and never getting back together again!

[Evelyn goes back home until Axel rings her]

Axel:hey lyn you okay?
Evelyn:I just broke up with my boyfriend, but I'm fine. Now you okay?
Axel:Aww, poor you, how about we hang out tomorrow, and then you can get over that person?
Evelyn:Yes, let's go and hang out tomorrow, and it will be so good!
Axel:That's wonderful to hear you say that, princess.
Evelyn:Why did you just call me princess?
Axel:new nickname, dont worry about it.
Evelyn:If you're really so sure, then I dont mind you calling me princess.
Axel:Good, that's what i want, Evelyn.
Evelyn:Okay, see you tomorrow then axel!

     [The next day Evelyn is getting ready]

Evelyn:I can't wait for this I wonder where we are gonna hang out,it's just so exiting,but it's fine it's just hanging out nothing else plus I see him as a friend right?

It's still short but it's fine but have you guys been enjoying the parts so far or not?

[230 words in the story]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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