Trapped|Aether x (f) Reader

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"If it ain't Traveler and his sidekick." I scoffed, finally revealing myself from the wall I was hiding behind. My heels echoed throughout the ruins, my dagger dingling in my belt. Paimon was the first to turn her head. She was on the ground, a few inches away from Aether. A few scratches could be seen on her hands and face. Aether snapped his head to my direction. At first, a worried look was written all over his face but as soon as he saw who I was a smirk appeared on his lips. I flashed them a toothy grin, walking up to them.

Both of them were laying on the ground, fortunately they were conscious. Aether's arms were tied behind his back, preventing him from moving or fighting back. I cocked a brow to his defeated state. Whoever managed to capture him, planned the whole thing out in detail. After all, everyone knew that the mighty traveler wasn't someone that would go down that easily.
Thankfully, there were no signs of injury or force on him, meaning that someone most likely tricked him.
I rolled my eyes playfully and crouched down to his eye level. Paimon managed to lift herself off of the ground and tried to fly, still staring at me in shock.

"Why are you following me, y/n?" Aether finally spoke, his smirk never fading. I looked at his defenseless state and crouched down, reaching for my belt; where my dagger was resting.

"Following you? Don't flatter yourself." I joked as I was about to cut the rope that was restricting Aether's arms.

Out of instinct, Paimon flew in front of Aether, opening her arms protectively and glaring at me. I looked at Paimon for a second, confused as to why she would do something like that, then at Aether before we both started laughing. Paimon's lips parted and her head turned to face Aether while I pushed her lightly out of the way. She covered her face with her hands, as if she was waiting for me to hit her. Only when she heard Aether's voice, she hesitantly brought her hands down.

"Don't worry, Paimon, she won't hurt us." he reassured her.

"But she shoved Paimon out of the way." Paimon huffed and crossed her arms angrily.

"My apologies, flying rat." I said nonchalantly as I was focusing on not cutting Aether on accident. These ropes sure were tight. Paimon stomped her foot in the air, making angry noises. I stuck my tongue at her, getting up and dusting off my clothes with my hands.

"Don't call Paimon a flying rat again. Paimon will make sure to give you an ugly nickname too." she yelled.

I crossed my arms below my chest, raising an eyebrow in the process. I found Paimon and her reactions extremely comical and I was trying hard to hold back my laughter. Aether just shook his head at her reaction and rubbed his red swollen wrists.

"How did you find me? Were you following me?" Aether asked again, earning my attention.

"I wasn't following you, no. Let's go now." I replied nonchalantly and begun walking further into the ruins. This was an important mission and although I was trying to keep my playful facade, I had to actually get my ass to work. Katheryne trusted me enough to send me here and I wasn't about to fuck up. My head hung low, looking at the ground beneath me, walking away from Aether.

"Hey, y/n!" Aether grabbed my shoulder in order to get my attention. I must have been very deep in thought, not listening to what he was saying. Unfortunately, his sudden action scared me. I turned around abruptly, shoving his hand away from my shoulder and glaring at him. Aether was taken aback by my sudden demeanor change but he quickly covered it up with a slight smirk. "Ah, feisty, aren't we today?" he teased, amused by this side of me.

"Don't touch me." I furrowed my eyebrows at him. My tone was almost threatening. Paimon peeked behind Aether's shoulder.

"Or else?" he pushed it.

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