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It takes plase after TFATWS. :)


I'm falling and falling and falling. I see Steve reaching his arm after me. Again, falling and falling and falling.

The same scene replaying in my head for a thousand times.

I wake up tears running down my face. The feeling of a panic attack is fighting it's way to my head. My breathing quickens, its suddenly very hard to breath.

I get up from the floor I've been trying to sleep, knocking down a vase on the way to bathroom. I don't even recognize all the pieces of the vase lying on the floor. Probably stepped on a few of them.

The panic attack has taken the whole control of me.

I'm completly forgetting how to breath. And the fact that Sam is sleeping in the room next to mine.

I fall down before I reach the bathroom.


I wake up to something crashing somewhere. I'm a pretty light sleeper so even quieter sound could've woken me up.

The sound didn't come from my room so it had to happen in Buckys.


Is he okay?

I sprint out of my room to the door of his. I knock. Nothing. Another try. Still nothing.


That's it, I'm going in. Slowly opening the door and looking in. Honestly I have to say I didn't expect this clean room from the 106 years old staring machine.

But what mostly caught me of guard was finding James "Bucky" Barnes lying on the floor. Just sobbing and panicking.

-------------3rd person POV------------

Bucky wasn't aware of Sam slowly approaching him in the dark. He couldn't breath. Is this how I die? That thought playing in his head.

Sam was trying to get Buckys attention. He didn't dare to touch him, who knows how he would react.

"Bucky, what's wrong?"

He didn't show any signs of noticing Sam.


He snapped out of the trance, hearing a familiar voice. "Sam?" Came out if his mouth, shaky and quiet. So quiet Sam almost didn't hear it.

"Shhhh, just breath, it's okay. Breath in, hold and out. Good job. Just continue, good. Can I touch you?"

Bucky gave a little nod still struggling to form any kind of sentence. Sam touched his chin softly and brought him in to a hug. Before so tense super soldier relaxed into the touch. He didn't remember the last time he had been held so lovingly. Probably by his mom or little sister Rebecca before the war. Tears were still running throught his face. Thinking about the family he had started the loop again, panic rising on the back of his head.

Did they tell them that I was dead? How did Becca react? I left her alone. What happend to my books that were in straight line on the bookself of my room? The special edittion of Hobbit from 1937. I hope they gave to Becca. And mom... her oldest son never came back from the horrible war.

Sam noticed Buckys again quickening breathing. The super soldier tightened his grip on Sam. "Buck, it's okay, I'm here" He started to stroke his back.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not yet, maybe some day but not now."

Sam held Bucky close to him. He didn't mind at all. If it meant comfort to the older man, he would hold him even to the end of world. Sam cared about him even though he wouldn't stairght up admit it to anyone. They sat on the floor, in the darkness just enjoying the presence of each other. God knows how long the sat there.

Finally his breath became stable and tears dried up. "Lets get you to bed." As they got up from the floor, Bucky watched the broken vase. "That's fine lets clean that up tomorrow." Sam told him.

"That bed looks like it hasn't been touched in like a hundred years." He tried to joke.
"Well I don't really like sleeping in it, it's too soft."
"Do you sleep like on the floor then?"

" Yep..."

"Oh... " Sam didn't think that he would actually sleep on the floor, that was meant to be a joke. He just wanted to him to be okay.
"Well this night you are spending in that bed."

Sam was making his way to the door as Bucky laid down.

"Could you stay...? I don't wanna be alone..." He said hesitantly.

Sam turned in a surprise, walked back and laid down next him. "Of course, always"

As Bucky was drifting to sleep on Sams arms, he asked. "Would you catch me if I was falling?

"Without hesitation"

And that's when Bucky knew. He had found his comfort. After all those years in HYDRA, controlled, and in the cold all the time. He thought it would be Steve, his life long best friend, but no. It was the guy he ripped the steering wheel off when they first met. It was Sam. He felt truly happy around him. He wasn't in the cold anymore.

He found his comfort, in Sam.

And Sam felt the same way about Bucky, his Buck.

a/n: This was my very first fanfic I have ever written, so bear with me. But I hope you enjoyed it.

Please let me know if I made any mistakes!

Good day or night to everyone! <3

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