Chapter 9

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I opened the door to my room once again. I really didn't want to leave Figure's side, but he was right. I really needed some sleep. It was a long and tiring day. I really hoped Figure would be alright. I only knew him for a few days, but he was important to me.

I swore to myself that I'd never let something like that happen to Figure ever again. He almost died because of me. I could've went back to the library after talking to Rush, but instead I left him alone.

I made my way to my bed and tried to sleep. Unfortunately, I didn't sleep for a few hours. My mind was occupied by thoughts about what had happened that morning. How long I had waited for Figure to wake up. I felt guilt for what happened to him. I could've prevented the injury from happening if I had just been there by his side.

Luckily I did sleep pretty well despite not being able to fall asleep as quickly as I'd liked. I woke up around midday. I looked at the clock on the wall thinking it would be maybe 7 or 8, but it was actually late 11. I threw myself out of bed and immediately went to go visit Figure.

On the way to the infirmary, I stopped by the library's desk to pick up a few books. I could imagine how boring it must've been for Figure in there. I would know since I spent hours waiting for him to wake up the day before.

I picked up 3 books and went to the infirmary. When I got there, everyone was silent. I saw Figure laying peacefully on the bed recovering. I couldn't tell if he was sleeping or not since he didn't have any eyes to show it. I stayed quiet in case he was sleeping. I took a seat in the same chair I was sitting in all day yesterday.

"Seek?" Figure inquired suddenly. I was slightly surprised because I thought he was sleeping. "Is that you?"

"Ahuh," I responded. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," Figure said as he sat up, wincing from the pain in his shoulder.

"I brought some books."  I said. He perked up a little bit, then looked a little sad.

"Seek," He said. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" I asked. I didn't see any reason why he would apologize. He hadn't done anything wrong. If anything, I should've been the one that was sorry.

"For being a bother." Figure said. "For being a burden."

"What?" I was confused as to why he would think he was those things. "You're none of that." I stated. "I enjoy spending time with you."


"I'd drag you across the hotel a second time if I had to." I continued. "The simple fact that you're still alive makes you amazing. Your heart is still beating." I said, then added, "I'll take care of you."

Figure didn't have anything to say. Instead, he turned a shade redder. I decided to leave my statement at that. I picked a book out of the three that I brought and started reading it to Figure. It was about different types of caterpillars and what kinds of moths or butterflies they turn into.

I payed attention to how Figure was reacting to the book. He seemed uninterested in the book and distracted by something else. Still, when I reached the end of each chapter, he requested to continue. When I asked him if he wanted to hear a different book he denied. He was probably just thinking about things.

I read to him until the end of the day. I occasionally took breaks to ask if he was okay. Glitch, being in across the room the entire time, listened for Figure's response to those types of questions. Glitch was serious about making sure Figure was recovering properly.

Figure said he was fine each time, and that distracted look faded away. I read to him until I was nearly falling asleep. When Figure heard me accidentally skipping words, he recommended I go to bed.

I went to bed, woke up the next day, read to Figure, then went back to bed. I did that for the next few days waiting for Figure to be allowed out of the infirmary. After day 2 Figure was able to get out of the bed and walk around, but Glitch insisted on him staying for longer.

Figure and I became closer friends the more we spoke and the more time we spent together. Figure got to know me a lot better than when we first met. Most everything about him I basically already knew. He didn't remember anything, so I knew just as much as him. We were both learning his personality along the way.

The day came where Glitch allowed Figure to return to the library. Figure didn't spend nearly a week in the infirmary, but it felt like forever anyway. Before I went to bring Figure back to the library, Glitch told me one thing.

"Take care of him, will you?" Glitch requested. "You're already doing a great job." I would have disagreed about doing a good job, but Figure was waiting for me. I nodded to Glitch to acknowledge him, then went to Figure. He was waiting for me near the exit of the infirmary.

"Ready?" I asked Figure. He smiled at me, then nodded. He seemed excited to get out of the infirmary. I don't think he really felt very comfortable knowing Glitch was watching him in his sleep. I waved goodbye to Glitch as I took Figure's hand and left the infirmary.

After passing through each room, Figure and I made it to the library. He seemed relieved to be back in the place where he was most comfortable. I was happy to see him happy. He didn't seem to want to let go of my hand though. I suspected he was worried he might hurt himself again.

He hesitantly let go of my hand and slowly and carefully made his way down the stairs. He was careful not to run into anything or hit his already injured shoulder.

"Seek, come here." Figure asked optimistically. Despite being wounded and hurt, he seemed excited to be out of the infirmary. I followed his command and caught up with him. He walked slowly, running his hand along the nearest wall. He stopped at a drawer.

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