Chapter 4 - Research Found

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After learning of what had happened with Michelangelo from Leather head, Dr. Rockwell ran some tests to research and investigate the strange pink chemical that was injected on the turtle, he also received some exams and test results from Donatello about his brother's current state with medical check-up, pictures and everything, it was truly fascinating, the extraordinary reaction of that new kind of mutagen on a regular mutant, all the results were different and unique, it was a very hard puzzle to put together but he eventually got some well earned answers, but after a lot of analyzing and reading into said answers, he had an awful realization, one that would be terribly hard to break down to Michelangelo's family, the doctor took a deep breath, collected his research and with Leatherhead, went to the turtles' sewer lair to share his discoveries.

He was welcomes Leonardo and immediatly went to Donatello on his lab to show him the things he found out, after laying out the papers and pulling out the blackboard, they talked for what felt like hours, worrying and concerning hours.

Turns out, that chemical is like a more "refined" verion of mutagen, it could be noticed by looking at the molecular structure of each chemicals, while the mutagen had more active and detached molecules, this pink one had more net like lines of molecules, they had a more firm structures, and that meant that they would be effectively harder to be undone or separated by retromutagen, which meant that the retromutagen they had would not revert him to his original state, it would instead make the chemical unstable which could then lead to a ton of possible results, like Michelangelo being fully unmutated and turning into a regular non sentient turtle, or just partially healing the mutation, or maybe messing up the mutation itself causing him to maybe remutate into something new entirely, that will be if he doesn't just collapse by either dying or going through a painful process of turning into a deformed creature that could cause his body an endless and unhealable amount of pain and agony for the rest of his days.

So in short, if they tried to heal him with anything they currently got, the result is uncertain but all they know for sure it will happen, is that it will be awfully painful if not fatal to Michelangelo, those news were crashing for Donatello, that for a moment before they talked, was considering trying retromutagen to solve the problem, but after being informed of what that could cause to his brother, he began having second thoughts and started to think of new a plan or idea to cure his brother, with a suggestion of Dr. Rockwell, he figured out that he would have to find a cure himself, the monkey doctor offered his humble help which he accepts, he will need it afterall, maybe he could try to fuse the idea he had with Leonardo's medicine back in the farmhouse and a form of new retromutagen, but of course, in a new version, one that hopefully won't harm Mikey

Donnie remembers how long was the process to create the retromutagen so he knows it will be a long way to go, specially since they'll have to find some more of that pink mutagen to actually produce the closest thing they'll have to an antidote, Donnie decides to tell his brothers about this and while Casey distracted Michelangelo, he called Leo, Raph and April to the lab to have a chat, as everyone arrives, Donnie and Dr. Rockwell explain to them about everything, what must have happened to Mikey,  basically how the pink mutagen works and the risks of using their retromutagen to cure him, which shocked everyone drastically, specially Raph that grabbed Donatello and shook him in the air in frustration, Leo just sat down in disbelief trying to piece out a way to react to this, and April just watched in terror, not knowing whether Mikey will be ok or not, but everyone was feeling this way.

Except for Casey, that was still playing around with Michelangelo, riding his back like a cowboy in a rodeo, Mikey was also having the time of his life, running around the Lair on his fours and dancing to the cool songs Casey put on the music box he brought for he games, it was all funs and laughs until Mikey suddenly started growing in size and getting a bit more destructive and reckless, bumping into stuff around, knocking things down on the floor, hitting his head on the wall by accident, Casey saw he was getting out of hand and went out of his way to calm down his unhinged friend before he lost it, getting him to settle down and relax a bit, he got really tired and needed some minutes to rest, meanwhile Casey rushed to put everything back in place and clean the mess to not get him and Mikey in trouble, he prayed to the lords above that no one heard the ruckus, once he was finally done, he sat down besides Mikester who was exhausted from joyride and was getting pretty sleepy, Casey gave him some headpats and Mikey reacted by shrinking a little bit and resting his head on his shoulder, which for the punk dude was incredibly adorable, they spent some minutes like this until Mikey finally fell asleep, he layed his head down on Casey's lap and drifted off to sleep peacefully, Casey fell asleep soon after.

Their nap lasted for about 40 minutes until they woke up because of the unmistakable smell of freshly arrived pizza, the two saw Raph bringing in the food and Mikey immediatly ran to Raphael, he got pretty scared of his brothers, that had grown quite taller than him because of the excitement, running towards him with a gluttonous face, he freaked out and his first idea was to turn his head away, throw his hand forward and yell at Mikey to stop, which incredibly works, Mikey reacted to the sudden command stoping right on his tracks and sitting down, kinda like a dog, when Raph turns back he is quite surprised to see that his brother actually listened, but.... why was his third eyelids closed? Doesn't that happen only when he goes nuts? But... he didn't seem feral at all... what does that mean? Mikey's eyelids opened again revealing his pinkish eyes, but he was still motionless, staring at his older brother, waiting for something, but what could it.... oh... pizza!

Raph gave Mikey one of the pizza boxes he had and his little brother took it with a smile on his face, such a wholesome moment, until Mikey did a headbutt on Raph and walked off giggling, leaving Raphael frozen in a state of confusion for what just happened, was that Mikey's way of saying thank you?

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