Part 1: Aftermath

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~ Wednesday September 30th, 1998 8:54 PM ~

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~ Wednesday September 30th, 1998 8:54 PM ~

It was the end of the longest two days of Claire Redfield's life. Her entire body ached. She wasn't even out of her teenage years yet and she felt like she was 80 years old. Of course, there are very few teenagers that have gone through her ordeal, and even fewer are still alive. Right now Claire was safe and sound in a hotel under an assumed name. She was currently standing under the hot pulsating spray in the hotel room's shower. After escaping the area via Umbrella's secret train, Leon, Sherry and herself walked for miles before a family in a van that had been turned around by one of the manned military blockades leading to Raccoon City stopped to give them a lift to the nearest town. After Leon paid for their gas (it was the least they could do for giving them a ride), the trio marched into Walmart and bought two large travel packs, bandages, and disinfectant for Leon. Soap, shampoo, deodorant, enough clothes for several days, and new footwear.

Once that was done they found a nice hotel the trio rented two adjoining rooms and raced to their temporary occupancy. Once inside their rooms, the first order of business was to go about washing the fifth from their bodies. Sherry asked Claire if she could take a long soak in the tub. Claire smiled at Sherry's request and the older woman informed her was welcome to the tub, she would talk to Leon and make use of his shower. Leon was about to enter the bathroom when Claire knocked and made her request. Leon offered her the shower first but Claire declined, stating that he could go first. Leon promised not to be long and went to get cleaned up.

Once Leon was done with his shower, he knocks on the bathroom door to give Claire the heads up that he was about to enter his room. Claire is sitting patiently on the end of his bed watching news reports from the outskirts of Raccoon City. She hits mute and leaves the remote on the bed in case he wishes to watch something else. Claire notes that Leon seems so much more relaxed now that they are out of danger. It reminds her of the first time that they were reunited at the police station. It's hard to believe a simple chainlink fence kept them apart but had they not been separated Claire might not have found Sherry. Leon is clad only in a large towel, wrap precariously around his waist. He steps out and stands aside and motions for Claire to enter the bathroom.

Claire gets up and slowly makes her way to the bathroom. Claire doesn't know why but as she passes Leon she feels herself blush. Claire is clad in a full-length terrycloth robe provided by the hotel that comes down to her mid-calf. "I'll try not to take too long," Claire states not sure what Leon's plans for the rest of the night are.

"Take your time, no rush."

Oh my god... was he checking me out? Claire thinks to herself. She only caught a glance in her peripheral vision but she swore he was looking at her as she passed by. Her heart stopped momentarily and then began beating rapidly.

As soon as she is through the doorway she turns and sees Leon has his back to her. Even his back looks strong and save for the abrasions and the bullet wound that he received saving Ada, he is flawless. Realizing that she is staring, Claire quickly closes the bathroom door. Only when she hears the click does she rest her head against the door and chastises herself for gawking at her companion. Claire exhales the breath she had started holding and straightens up. Turning the shower water on and adjusting it to her desired temperature, Clair unfasten the sash on her robe and allow it to fall to her feet. Claire immediately steps under the water and switches the jet to pulsate once her hair is soaked. "Ahhhh..." Claire moans her approval as the pulsating water massages her scalp. She moves back and turns around and lets the warm water massage her sore shoulders and back.

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