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_Justin's P.O.V_

Shit, here goes the hallucinations again,

I always see things whenever I'm drunk not to be sure if that was normal or because I was so stressed out after so many rumours and paparazzi's wanting a piece of me

, I see my Beliebers from where I'm standing, But I'm actually sitting down, I stretched out my hands to them to reach them, To show them how much I love them,  But instead I tripped over a empty surface, Stupid, I know, Guess I drank too much, again.

Groaning I pull myself up and leaned against the wall, massaging my temples trying to clear my thoughts, I felt a massive headache coming, and all I wanted to do was to get some good sweet sleep.

I forced my way to the kitchen, getting a bottle of mineral water hoping the pain would ease even for a little bit, instead of drinking the damn thing, I poured it down on the top of my head. I took off my wet shirt and throwed myself on the couch, I knew too well if I took the staires up to my bedroom, I would've end up knocked out on the hallway.

My eyes fell onto the vacant couch infront of me, Why the hell does it look so damn interesting?

After few blinks, There she was,

She had her curls that fell so perfectly without her trying, Her defined dark eyebrows, which I enjoyed making fun of, Her stunning brown eyes that I always caught myself dazed at, Her nose that used to snuggle with mine, Her soft cheeks I loved biting and pinching, That beauty spot of hers which made her lips so attractive,

Damn, Dont even get me started on..

Her lips that always met mine, The flavor of her that I could still taste, Making me crave for more.

"Justin," Her voice interrupted my thoughts,

Did she just talk to me? Did she just actually-?

"Its Me." she smiled,

That smile, It's been a while since, a since they made me melt.

"J-Jasmine?" I asked, trying my best to stand up and go to her, hug her, kiss her, to do all the things I should've done when I had the chance. But my body failed me.

"Shhh," she hushed, I continued to look at her, avoiding myself from breaking my attention away. If this was one of those another hallucinations, this was one I hoped that would never disappear.

"Sleep.." she said, appearing nearer to me, "Is this a dream?" I asked my eyes were starting to get heavy. She replied with a faint smile, as she caressed my face, which I swear felt it. But lets not jump to conclusions shall we? I'm drunk for sakes!

"Close your eyes," she said in between her strokes, I disobeyed, I didnt want her to dissapear, No, Not again. I continued staring at her, as did her reflection stayed.

"Stay with me." I whispered, as I looked at her lips form into a small smile.

"Always." she replied planting a kiss on my forehead, The liquor was making me numb already, I felt nothing, A part of me knew it wasnt real.

"Sleep." she repeated and begun humming a tone, I would like to hear her voice again sing once to me,

"I didnt mean to hurt you." I ignored her trying my best to stay up to keep myself sober, But the effect was beginning to worn me out.

"Close your eyes, Justin." she ignored as well, But the way she spoke my name felt so magical that even my own eyes obeyed, I watched her slowly fading as my eyes shut, Her appearance in complete blur, before darkness welcomed my sight.

I wonder if that was the last time she would be interacting with me, that she would be calling my name, that she would hold my hand, kiss my forehead, that she would smile at me, That She, Jasmine Marie Villegas 

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