Chapter One

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So Guys, I would reaaally reaaaally, appreciate it if you guys drop your comments, share your thoughts on the story and everything, and yeah, It would really, make me strive to move on, and boost up the inspiration on finishing this story. So yeah, Drop your comments down below. :) So Imma be making up some characters here, I dont really know who Justin's producers and studio staffs are so yeah

Chapter One

_Justin's P.O.V_

I felt the sun ray shine up onto my face, I winced at the sight of its heat and rolled over to a shaded area,

 Great now I cant go back to sleep,

Sighing I sat up, Ugh!, 

Wrong move on sitting up so quickly, I felt my stomach twist and twirl, rushing to the kitchen sink, I threw up most of last night's dinner and drinks, I waited for a few seconds till my stomach was completely chilled,

"Damn, Son, You having a baby?" I turned to the direction from the voice came and saw my man, Jaden leaning onto kitchen wall,

"Nah, Man, just the usual hangover." I groaned washing the mess I made, wouldnt want him to see the sight of it, " I aint blind." He said sarcasticly, walking over the refrigerator handing me a bottle of water,

"Thanks." I grabbed the water and drank a mouthful of it.

"So what happened last night?" I asked " What do you mean 'What happened?' " he asked, looking at me like I actually knew, The staff and I including Selena and Jaden went to Rosies' Diner for dinner, next thing I knew we were on Mike's(Staff) trunk getting all drinks and wild, All except for Jaden of course wouldnt want Will, thinking I'm a Bad Influence on his son, Then Selena came across my mind "Did she get home alright?" I asked, hoping for a postive answer,

" I guess," He shrugged, " I mean, She was kinda hoping you'd bring her home, she was pretty upset, after you left." He said, digging his hands in his pockets.

I dont know why I even went out with those asses, 

A couple of shots they said, Should've never have went with, "

Did you check your phone yet?" He reminded, I shook my head and went to the living room, where my jacket lay and took my phone out of it, 

9 Missed Calls from "Babe"

 Shoot!, I'd never let her reach this much before.

 I clicked the voice mail messages and waited to whats coming.

"Hey, Its Me.." her voice sounded clearly sad and hurt, Guilt flooded all over me just by the sound of her voice "I just called to see if you went home safe, I got worried" she paused, "Yeah Okay, Call me. Love you, Bye."

Immediately after the beep, I clicked her contact ID and her phone started ringing, Hoping she'd forgive me for being such an ass and still would hear her bubbly happy voice, To my dissapointment I was greeted with her voicemail.

'Oopsies, Cant come to the phone right now, But I will get to you right away, So leave down your message after the beep' 

"Babe," I sighed, "It's Me, I got your message, and I'm sorry for all those miss calls," I bit my lower lip, " Call me asap aight?" I said before hitting the end call sign, I cursed realizing I forgot to drop the three letter word. I Love You.

"Was she mad?" I asked turning to Jaden who was now in the living room with me, "I wouldnt say mad, but upset, quite." He answered turning the television on and begun watching some replay movies on cinemax.

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