max sneaks into the dance

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Max put on his stupid little helmet and knee things and strapped on his roller skates. He followed Ruby and Louise to the school at a distance so they wouldn't notice him. When they got to the school there was a banner outside and balloons too. Bunnies were walking into the school all dressed up in their dressed up.

Buby showed the bouncer her pitcher.."This is punch don't worry."

"Looks delicious," the bouncer said. "Proceed."

The girl bunnies did and walked in with their arms linked.

Max skated in but the bouncer stopped him. "No little bunnies allowed, sorry."

Max did the finger. It tricked the bouncer to make him seem older. The bouncer was scared.

"S-Sorry, go ahead."

Max smiled mischievously and skated in. The music was very loud and there were flashing light. Max plugged his ears but kept skating until he found Martha. She was sitting at a table in the third most sparkliest pretty light blue dress with Antonio in a blue suit. They looked at Max and waved but still looked kind of surprised.

"Max? What are you doing here?" Antonio asked.

"No time," Max said. "Ruby is going to sabotage!"

"Sabotage? Who?"

Max pointed at Martha. "Her."

A Night to Remember: Ruby x AntonioWhere stories live. Discover now