part 5

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It's a particularly gloomy morning as Louis rushes out of the Council Manor, almost tripping over himself and dropping his mug of tea in his haste to make it to the car in the driveway. He's been severely lacking in carrying out his plan and he's determined to make up for it starting now.

"Wait!" He calls out, watching as the alpha in the driver's seat rolls down the window.

"Can I help you?" Harry asks pointedly.

Louis couldn't deny that they'd shared a sweet moment in his art studio, but he knew he had a long way to go to win over Harry's trust, especially with the way he'd lashed out after.

"May I please ride to class with you?" He asks sweetly.

"Why can't you take your own car?" Harry squints suspiciously at him.

"It hasn't been working properly," Louis lies. "And I hate driving anyway." That part isn't a lie. "Besides, don't you think it's rather silly that we've ridden separately to university this whole time when we literally live together?"

"We ride separately because you're a brat and we can't stand to be in each other's presence for more than five minutes at a time," Harry rolls his eyes, but he's already unlocking the car doors so Louis counts it as a win.

Harry's car is warm and cozy, sheltering them from the crisp morning air and Louis hates that the vehicle smells exactly like the alpha. He rubs his already red hands together in a desperate attempt to warm them up.

"You're being so weird lately," Harry observes as he reaches over to blast the car heat on the highest setting. "Don't you have a venomous gift to plan?"

"It's your week actually," Louis points out as they speed down the road. "I'm excited to see what you come up with."

Harry only lets out a grumpy grumble, eyes focused on the misty fog ahead of them.

Louis stays silent, thinking about the past weeks. His plan hasn't exactly gone as he'd wished. Harry had proven to be far more resistant to his advances than he'd anticipated and Louis couldn't help but slip up, arguing with the alpha far more than he should.

He doesn't really think it's his fault. He's not a professional actor and it's awfully hard to act genuinely in love with the brutish alpha next to him.

"I can hear your mind from here, knock it off," Harry mutters from beside him.

"Don't you think, if I had the power to shut off my mind, I would've done it ages ago?" Louis questions. "Contrary to whatever silly notion has planted itself in your head, I don't particularly like having racing thoughts all the time."

"Actually, I think you'd keep them on extra loud, just to mess with me," Harry says bitterly. "Besides, what do you have to think about?"

"I'm going to be nice and ignore those unsavory insinuations," Louis decides as they stop at a red light. Then he holds out his cup of orange blossom tea to Harry's lips. "Do you want some?"

"You know, if you poison me and I pass out at the wheel, then we both die," Harry points out, but he takes an appreciative sip of the steaming liquid.

"What is this obsession with me poisoning you?" Louis laughs at the broody alpha. He really hadn't realized how much Harry wasn't a morning person. "If you wanted me to take you out, all you had to do was just ask. I have several different methods that I'd love to try."

The alpha pouts. "It wouldn't be so far-fetched. You have tried to drown me in the lake more times than I can count."

"You are hardly any better," Louis says. "I know it was you who started multiple rumors that I had a contagious infection so that no one would partner up with me in my classes last year."

what a wicked thing to do (to make me dream of you) {l.s.}Where stories live. Discover now