part 5

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Another week goes by and Louis is back to hiding once again. Harry can't say it surprises him that much. He had gotten an earful from Gemma after he'd told her what happened and even Zayn had glared at him over FaceTime.

"You're a git," his best mate had offered, before promptly hanging up.

Louis apparently has taken it upon himself to dash into the common areas whenever Harry is in the bathroom or has yet to wake. Harry notices that he wakes up far earlier than himself and goes to bed after, scheduling his meals so they never have a run-in.

In all honesty, he kind of feels guilty. He shouldn't have ambushed Louis like that and even though he's still pretty annoyed with the older lad, he feels uneasy at the fact that Louis has taken to literally anti-stalking him. This is his home too.

Harry is determined to make it right. After a very large purchase on his credit card, he calls up Gemma again, seeking her advice on how to proceed with the purchase he's just made.

The very next morning, just at sunrise, Harry finds himself in the kitchen making his signature waffle recipe while carefully monitoring the bacon and eggs sizzling in the pan. Per Gemma's instructions, he had gone to the grocery store the prior night for ingredients and there was freshly squeezed tangerine juice on the dining room table.

He's just about to flip the bacon when he hears a small rustle. He quickly whips around to find Louis, who looks like a deer caught in the head lights.

Louis makes to turn around, no doubt to retreat to his room but Harry is faster. He's striding over to him, gently grabbing his wrist to turn the smaller boy around.

Louis's eyes immediately go to the grip Harry has on his wrist and Harry blushes and quickly lets go.

"I made breakfast?" he offers meekly, for the first time in his life. "Stay?"

It takes a few seconds for Louis to agree but then he's making his way towards the dining room table, albeit a bit suspiciously.

"What's the occasion?" he asks, eyes narrowed.

Harry shrugs and wills himself not to blush any more than he already is. This was a bad idea.

"I guess I just felt bad," he starts, not sure what direction he's going to go in. "This is your house too and you shouldn't have to hide. Especially since we're already stuck here as it is."

"I thought that's what you would've wanted," Louis shot back. "Me, finally out of your way."

Harry bites back a retort instead opting to serve Louis a fully filled plate of his breakfast feast.

That's the last thing he wants.

"Can we maybe just go ten minutes without arguing?" he says instead, trying to sound stern but instead he's displeased to hear the desperation coloring his tone.

Apparently, that seems to work as the older lad nods quietly and tentatively picks up his fork to dig in. After a few moments of them silently eating, he breaks the silence.

"This is really good," he mumbles.

Harry tries to tamper down the grin threatening to break out.

"I'm glad you think so," he replies.

There's really nothing to say so they finish up, Harry nodding appreciatively as Louis takes both their plates to the sink. He's not sure what to do as Louis silently scrubs their dishes and loads up the dishwasher. Bravery is not one of his strong suits, but he's about to watch Louis leave the room, and probably not see the other boy for another couple of days, so he finds himself calling out, "Wait!"

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