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A/n Tiny bit of AU Diane but not really.

Diane chews her food slowly, eying the members of her family. They were uneasy around her, that much was clear. Diane was a ticking time bomb of sarcasm and snappy remarks. One wrong word could tick her off. While Diane was never the overhyped type of aggressive and snappy, she got her point across. Bow smiles slightly, "How was your day at school, twins?"


Bow cringes slightly, "How was it um... hell... Diane?" Diane glances up at her mom, "I hate everyone there, I just want to set the whole school on fire." Jack side eyes Diane, his face contorting into one of fear. Bow nods and continues to talk to the family while she scrolled through Instagram on her phone. Humming slightly, she sees a profile pic of a girl who goes to her school, Remi Finau... Diane mentally says, her face morphing into a slightly scowl. Everyone pissed her off, but Remi seemed to tick her off the most.

The girl was always smiling and attempting to talk to her, even when Diane did nothing but give her the cold shoulder,


Diane clicks on the girl's Instagram profile and furrows her eyebrows. While Diane acknowledged that she was many things, a hater was not one of them. Remi is a stunning person. Her thick head of hair, her deep dimples, her toned figure. As she continued to look through the girl's profile, Diane unconsciously crossed her legs. Diane tried to be petty and claim that she didn't get all the hype surrounding this girl, but after seeing these photos, she was forced to admit that she did.

The young girl sighs and turns off her phone, "I'm going to bed." She mutters before standing up and grabbing her plate. Andre frowns, "Diane, you didn't-"
He instantly shuts up when he sees the side eye that Diane gave him. It was a threatening one, it was just a normal Diane side eye, "Hm?" She questions. Andre sighs and shakes his head, "Nothing."

A little later that night, Diane gets up and goes downstairs to get a glass of water. On her way back, she hears hushed voices coming from her parents' room, "I just don't know what to do anymore, she's not normal, Dre!" She heard her mom say. Andre sighs, "Just bare with her, Bow. This is our baby girl, man." He pleads. Bow groans, "I know this is our baby girl, Dre! It's just... I don't know."

Suddenly, the bed moves slightly, "Are you actually letting your mother's words get to you right now? After all the shit she said about OUR daughter?!" Andre asks harshly, "Maybe Diane is a little weird, a little off, hell, even a little scary but that's OUR baby! Our child is not evil!" He says angrily. Diane's eyebrows furrowed, "Dre, she's unstable! What else can we do?! Our daughter talks about ARSON 24/7, she literally HATES everybody, the way she is with Charles, you've seen it!" Bow snaps,

"Maybe my mom is right, maybe Diane is a demon child." Diane blinks slightly and slowly backs away from the door, "Don't you dare say that about my daughter, Bow! Don't say that shit in this house!" Andre shouts, "I love my daughter and I refuse to hear you talk this way about her." He says, lowering his voice, "Baby, this is the same child that DIDN'T CRY at birth! The same child that NEVER cried since she has been walking on this earth!Baby, she's not right..." Diane looks down, feeling something she had never really felt before.

Was it sadness?

It felt like it. By the way her throat tightened and her hands trembled slightly, it was the only logical emotion. Diane would've loved to think that she was normal. That her wanting nothing to do with anybody was normal, that her not crying was... normal. Was it not? Was there something actually wrong with her? Diane places a hand on her chest. Was there something wrong with her heart? Diane's breathing sped up slightly. Her vision started to get blurry. She didn't understand. Nothing anyone said about her affected her.

So why did it hurt so bad when her mom talked down on her?

Diane backs away from the door, hitting her chest roughly, hoping and praying that her heart would just stop beating so she'd get her emotions in control. But, how can she control an emotion she had never felt? Walking back to her room, she managed to suppress the shocking reveal of feelings and laid back down.

But of course, she couldn't go back to sleep.

The family noticed how much more quiet Diane was in the morning. Quieter than usual. She didn't say good morning, nor did she even acknowledge the presence of her family. It was like she was stuck in her own mind. And ironically, they were right. Diane was stuck in her head, I'm not normal? Nah, I'm very normal, Bow doesn't know what she's talking about. She mentally scoffs, But, what if I'm not normal? Nah... I'm normal... I'm normal. Just then, the feeling from last night returned ten-fold making the older twin quickly stand up and take a deep breath before grabbing her backpack and walking off,

"Wait! Diane, where are you going?" Bow asks. Diane frowns, "To school." She says coldly. The family heard her tone and was confused, "Im taking you and Jac-" "I'll walk." She cut off and before Bow could say anything else, she was already out of the door. Diane looks down at her feet with a slight frown, "I'm normal..." She says, almost helplessly.


I say tiny AU Diane because while everything in the Prologue about Diane was confirmed on Fandom, her being completely void of feeling emotions is an exaggeration and I wanted to try something new for this Diane x OC story.

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