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The sound of the clock ticking loudly interrupted Jeongin's thoughts as he stared at his desk in detention that afternoon.

The boy sighed softly and pulled out his diary from his bag and began to write a small entry.


Dear diary,

I can't keep going on like this. I've already decided in my last entry, but now I actually feel ready.

Who's gonna remember me anyway?

Signed, Jeongin.


After he finished writing, he placed his diary under his seat and decided to lay his head down for the time being. Although, that's the exact reason he was sent to detention in the first place.

The sound of the ticking clock was the only thing that could be heard in the room.





Until he fell asleep.


Hyunjin sluggishly walked into his second day of after school detention. He heard a sigh from his right as he was walking to an empty desk in the back, causing him to turn his head.

"Hwang Hyunjin, you're late again." The teacher spoke bluntly.

The said boy let out an uninterested shrug and "mhm" as he sat down.

Looking around, Hyunjin saw a boy sleeping.

"Jeongin..?" He muttered.

'How cute.'


"Alright, head home. Don't be late again tomorrow unless you want an extra 30 minutes, Hwang." The teacher spoke as she walked out of the classroom, causing Hyunjin to roll his eyes.

On his way out, he noticed Jeongin still sleeping.


"Hey" He softly said, lightly shaking the sleeping boy. "Jeongin, wake up."

Jeongin stirred a bit, slowly waking up.

Meanwhile Hyunjin was having an internal crisis.

'He looks so soft I'm actually gonna die.'

Jeongin let out a soft groan as he stretched his back and neck, not paying attention to the presence in next to him.

"Sorry to interrupt your nap, but it's time to go." Hyunjin spoke up, causing the other to turn his head his direction.

Of course to his luck, Hyunjin was really close.

Meaning their faces were really close.

At that, Jeongin bolted out of his seat and bowed, muttering a "Thank you" and bolting out of the classroom.

Not even realizing he had left something behind.



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