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[Y/n's Pov]

Oh. My. God.

I can't believe Soul just confessed to me.

I can't believe he feels the same way.

The next few days during the week me and Soul would make eye contact but we would quickly look away and blush.

It was so nice knowing that he feels the same way but now what do we do. He hasn't asked me out on a date and it's already Thursday. It's almost been a whole week since he confessed.

Was he just playing with my feelings? No Soul isn't that kind of person. I mean we've also been busy with promoting the comeback so I can't blame him, maybe he wants to make it special? Oh well it's not like we'd actually be able to date...right?

Omg. I need to tell Seo, Yoon, Keeho, Theo, and Jongseob about this!!!

I walk over to Keeho, Theo, and Jongseob and tell them they need to do some hair and makeup "touch ups"

They follow me into the backstage dressing room and Keeho sits in the styling chair, Jongseob sits in the styling chair next to Keeho, and Theo sits nexts to Yoon on the couch. I swear if they don't get together I will legit sob.

Seo and Yoon looked confused since they technically didn't have to do touch ups it was just a cover.

"So...I have some very important news..."   I say with the most serious expression and tone I could have.

"Your Dating Soul!!??" Seo said almost jumping up from the couch.

I just stood there shocked because she wasn't too too off. Dam she really is a hardcore shipper isn't she (⁠´⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠ω⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠`⁠)

Right when Seo said that everyone quickly turned there head to look at me, they looked so eager to hear my response, I swear there was sparkles in their eyes from how excited they were.  

"Well... actuallyyyyy" I said chuckling a bit awkwardly while fiddling with my fingers.

"OH MY GOD YOU ARE!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!" Seo said pretty loud and started squealing.

After that everyone started asking me a bunch of questions at the same time, stuff like 'omg when did he ask you', 'how long have you been dating' you know the usual.

"Oh my gosh guys slow down." I said laughing a bit. "We're not officially dating...yet."

After I said yet everyone started getting all excited and Seo and Keeho were squealing with each other.

"Oh My Gosh! Does That Mean He Confessed!!?" Keeho said excited while doing his hand movements.

"Mayybeeee..." I said teasing a bit, seeing how funny their excitement was.

And again everyone got super excited. I just giggled at their behavior, happy that I've gotten to become such good friends with them.

"But SOMEONE Had To Ruin The Moment!" I said playfully glaring at Keeho while laughing a bit.

"Hey! If I had known that he went over to confess I would've made up an excuse for him!" Keeho said laughing a bit while putting his hands up in defense.

We all kept laughing and talking about the situation together until Jiung came in.

"Hey the photographer is looking for you guys." Jiung says while pointing his hand back to the studio. "What's going on in here?"

"SOUL CONFESSED HIS FEELINGS TO Y/NNN!!!!!" Keeho said standing up from! the chair with excitement.

Jiung stood there for a bit with his mouth open into an 'O' shape. We got nervous from his silence thinking he was gonna scold us about it, because even though he is the jokester of the group he can be pretty serious at times.

But after he looked over at me still with his mouth open. "Really!??" He asked.

I shyly nodded my head not knowing what his reaction would be. But then he started jumping and squealing with Keeho.

"Oh my god, Finally!!!! You have no idea how irritating it was to see Soul act all shy and cute with you and still deny his feelings!" He said in almost a sassy tone while also doing hand movements.

We all broke out laughing at his response and then started walking out of the dressing room to head back to the photoshoot, but as we were walking out we bumped into Soul who was now standing right in front of me.

We kinda stood there for a bit just staring, it was kinda awkward but not really. Especially since we were Just talking about him.

"We'll leave you two be~" Keeho said with a little smirk while walking away with the others.

"Hey Y/n, um do you think we can talk I wanna ask you about somethin." Soul asked me nervously.

"Yea of course!! Let's go in the dressing room, it's more quiet in there." I asked kinda nervous too. Was he finally gonna ask me out!?

Since they were doing solo pictures right now I wasn't too too worried about time.

"So uh, what did you want to talk about." I said while slightly rocking back and forth on the heels of my shoes.

"Umm, I was wondering if you were free this Saturday." He said while slightly looking away but also glancing at me often.

"Yea why whatsup?" I asked, acting like I didn't know where this was going, or at least I hope it's going to where I think it's going.

"Well uh, I wanted to ask if you wanna go out with me this Saturday, but as a date not as friends." Soul said, his face was almost as red as a tomato but I mean mine was too. Even though I kinda expected it doesn't mean I still didn't get super flustered still.

"Of Course!!  I'd Love To!" I said excited, my heart beating at a fast rate.

"Okay! S-Sounds Good!! I'll text you the details later!!" Soul said excited.

"Yea!! I Can't Wait!" I said excited that he asked me out on a date.

"Okay Then, I'll See You Saturday, and later today." He said while giggling a bit.

He then waved to me and walked out of the dressing room to go back to the photoshoot.

Oh. My. God.

SOUL JUST ASKED ME OUT ON A DATE, Not As Friends, As A DATE....AHHHHHH OH MY GOSH EVERYONE IS GONNA FREAAAKKKKK (everyone = Seo, Yoon, Keeho, Theo, Jongseob, and now Jiung :3)

I kinda sat in the dressing room's couch still trying to process everything that just happened, oh my gosh it's still so surreal.

Never in my life would I think that I would be going on a Date with a kpop idol...and with someone so kind and real as him.

[Soul's Pov]

Oh my gosh...I just asked Y/n out on an Official Date.

[Mochi Note]

Heeyyy guess who's alive...meeee :D so sorry for not updating in like forever I keep forgetting about this book and whenever I do try to write I take forever bc I want to make longer chapters but thank you thank you all for being so patient with me, it makes me rlly happy to see how many views and votes this book had gotten and when I see that ppl comment and add this book to a reading list, hopefully the next chapter can come out soon since i alr know what to write :p thank you sm my marshmallows love youuu 🫶🫶

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