chapter treze

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𝐕𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯

bestie 💙

bestie 💙
come meet me in the bathroom
like right now

I stumbled my way to the bathroom, opening the door to be met with Karri snickering as she sat on the counter next to the sink.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing actually," she laughed.

"Ok, so what's the emergency?"

"Oh yeah! That. I thought you should know because it sounded real shady. I was in the kitchen right. Just making myself another drink. And then Kylian and Neymar walk in. And they're bickering and what not. They were like," and then she started acting out what Neymar and Kylian's conversation looked like. She moved from the left taking the part of Neymar, to the right to say Kylian's dialogue.

"Why is she here Kylian?" Karri acted out. "I invited her, thought she could be some fun." She looked at me with wide eyes as she said that bit; I'm surprised she could even remember their whole conversation so clearly given the drunken state she was currently in.

She continued, "And then Neymar was like: aRe YoU kIdDiNg Me RiGhT nOw? I barely know the woman! She's not even my friend, you know that I met her through Gigi because they were friends." "My bad man, I just thought the more the merrier," she finished her performance.

I took a deep breathe trying to absorb everything she just announced to me. "What you just told me probably means something," I giggled, "probably means a lot, in fact. But right now, I'm too drunk to care so I'm gonna let it slide."

"Let's go, I heard they're about to start some games," I said pulling my best friend's hand and dragging her out of the bathroom.

When we got to the big living area, everyone had already gathered around. A big circle of people had formed: people spread out on the couches and some on chairs they pulled up, while the rest of the party lived on in the background.

I flung my body onto the couch, sinking in its comfort. To my left sat Karri and to my right sat Richarlison. Amongst many, many others a few familiar faces I could make out were Messi & Anto, Bruna, sitting pretty comfortably in between Kyky and Neymar, Sergio Ramos, Marquinhos, Veratti, Suarez and Raphina. There were many other women and men participating, who I didn't know the names of.

"Alright, ladies and gents!" exclaimed Neymar, announcing the start of whatever first game we would be playing. "I present to you 'paranoia.'"

"For those who don't know the rules, it's pretty simple. The starting person whispers a question to the ear of the person on their right. This person must say their answer out loud to the entire group. Then, they flip a coin. If it lands on 'heads,' the group gets to hear what the question was. However, if it lands on 'tails,' they're safe and the question is never told. And so the round moves onto the next person in the circle. Let's start!"

Messi started by asking Anto a question, and the anticipation in the room built up. She answered confidently, "No, never," flipped the coin which landed on tails and moved on to the next person, keeping her safety.

Anto proceeded to ask Ramos something. He replied in answer to his question telling the room, "Head. Definitely, head," which evoked bursts of laughter in the circle. He flipped and got "heads," bit ironic. As he was a bit drunk, Veratti shouted over the music, "Was the question to that: 'What's your favourite thing to receive in the bedroom?'" He then burst out hysterically at his own joke.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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