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Basically descriptions of what the dragon forms of everyone look like.


"A dragon that emitted an an aura of absolute power, something many couldn't fathom. A Western Dragon, whose scales were bright black in color, as if defying the purpose of the color black. It's wings extended as far as the eye could see, being longer then it's entire body itself. It's eyes gleamed pure white with absolutely no pupils."

Itadori Yuji:

"A dragon whose very aura gave an dreadful feeling, as if a curse was seeping up. It resembled a European dragon, having a skin so white it appeared as if it was entirely made of bones. It's wings were actual bones extending creepily, who made an unsatisfying and creaking sound when they extended."

Eren Yeager:

"It's height towered over the forest, as if it was touching the sky itself. It's aura presented a dominating, yet depressing figure. It's skin was like a normal humans but it was clear they were scales. It's wings added more to the eerieness, considering they seemed to be made entirely of human skin aswell."

Kamado Tanjiro:

"A dragon whose aura was... Rather hard to define. It's aura was made of strength, no doubt. But, it's aura also gave a feeling or sense of warmth and hope. Its scales were bright crimson red and shone as bright as the sun. It appeared to be a Japanese Dragon, extending like a slithering snake."


"A dragon whose aura radiated a sort of determined aura, as if it was filled with determination head to toe. Its scales were a dark red, almost appearing black. It appeared to be a Japanese dragon."


"To say his aura was bland was an understatement, it's aura was seriously devoid of any sense of any emotion. Its scales were lacking color, and it's wings were about the same thing."


"I don't know what to say about her aura, but it definitely is a no go since it gives off a bad feeling! Its scales are pitch gray in color, representing a Western Dragon. It's wings were of mediocre length, being slightly smaller then what it's body size is."

William Afton:

"It's aura was strange to say the least, but it definitely emitted a bad feeling. Its scales are purple in color, and it's a mix between a European and Western Dragon."

Emiya Shirou:

"It's aura was that of a warrior, emitting an strong feeling of justice. Its scales were magenta blue, and it was a Japanese dragon."


"It's aura emitted a feeling of absolute chaos, as if it was something in a dormant state waiting to unleash all hell on the world. Its scales were pitch black in color, and it resembled a Western Dragon."

Human Appearances: I'm not explaining jack shit on how they look, have some photos instead.

Human Appearances: I'm not explaining jack shit on how they look, have some photos instead

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