Chapter 6: Christmas is in the air

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As you put the books you no longer need back onto their respective shelves, you feel a presence behind you. A silent groan escapes your lips as you turn around annoyed.

The yule ball is coming up and ─ after some awkward dancing lessons from Snape ─ everybody is hyperfocused on finding a date. Because Merlin forbids you turn up alone.

Draco has a shit-eating grin on his face as he leans against a bookshelf. "Guess who I just asked and said yes."

You give him a glare, not caring about this subject at all. "Parkinson?"

"How did you know?", he asks bewildered.

With a roll of your eyes, you turn towards him, "oh please, that girl has been giving you heart eyes since day one. If she didn't say yes, she'd be hexed."

Making your way back to your secluded corner of the library, you slump down into your chair and continue with the essay for potions. Draco, annoyingly, follows after you, taking place in the chair next to you. "I bet you also got a date."

You scoff, "who the hell would ask me?"

"Uhm, many boys would? You're good-looking", he states like it's obvious.

"I want someone to take me because they like me, not because they think I am pretty." Your whispers get harsher with each word, and you feel Madam Pince gloom behind a shelf.

Draco huffs. "Like who? One of those Durmstrang blokes that you always seem to hang out with? What's his name, Gollum?"

"It's Gjol, thank you very much. And no." You feel your cheeks head up for no particular reason.

"You can't be serious. Are you seriously wanting that big dumb hunk to ask you out? Pathetic." Draco huffs. He leans back and slumps in the chair.

Slamming your book shut, you hastily pack your bag. "I am not going to be dealing with your temper tantrum, Malfoy."

Hightailing out of the library, you ignore Madam Pince's scoldings and walk until you can't anymore. Your socks are wet as you stand to your ankles deep in snow. You run a frustrated hand over your face.

Why can't you just be left alone? Why do all these people want something of you? Your mother is in Azkaban and your father is dead, what more would people want? You're literally a child.

"Are you okay?", someone asks while they lay a hand on your shoulder.

Not noticing Theodore followed after you when he saw you leaving the library in a hurry, you yell and with one easy swoop throw him over your shoulder.

Theodore groans as he lands on his back and snow soaks through his cloak. You gasp and slap a hand over your mouth. "Theodore! I am so sorry!"

You help the brown-haired boy up, brushing the snow off his shoulders. He holds his shoulder, rubbing the sore spot he landed on. "Where did you learn that?", he chuckles.

With an awkward chuckle of your own, you scratch behind your ear. "In the summer, I snuck off every Wednesday night to go to self-defence classes in the muggle village a couple miles away. I didn't feel safe at home anymore, and since we can't use our wands outside school grounds..."

Theodore's smile falls and his eyes fill with concern. "(Y/n)..."

"It's okay! Really! You know how it is. Doesn't matter. Why did you follow me in the first place?" You shake your head, trying to switch the subject.

Theodore's frown doesn't falter completely, but it gets replaced by something more nervous. "Well... I heard you talking- I was wondering─", the boy runs a frustrated hand through his hair, "do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me? As in a date, that is..."

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