Chapter 14: A DE in the DA

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Umbridge really puts the 'fun' in 'academia'. Decree after decree, you're sure that, soon, she makes it punishable for students of different houses to be friends. And all the miserable toad does is watch it unfold with a pleased smile.

She even starts to go after the teachers. Seeing which ones she can fire so she can estate 'Ministry approved' teachers in their stead. Which induces a foul mood from teachers all around. And you just had to have Potions when Umbridge questioned Professor Snape.

After the many questions about Snape's failed attempts of being the DADA teacher, he is all scowl and glummer. It's the reason why he made the most awful combinations of people pairing up.

When Snape called your name and Theo's, you wanted to protest. But one look from the professor made you shut up and move towards Theo's station.

The air between the two of you is tense. The only thing said between the two of you is the mumble of ingredients and instructions to add to the cauldron.

As you stir the potion, you feel his gaze on you. "You've been avoiding me." Whereas Draco's claim sounded annoyed, Theodore's is hurt.

You don't dare to look at him and continue stirring.

"Why..? After everything... after-"

Now is your chance to really push him away with some well-pointed words. "After what, Theodore? Nothing happened." You do your best to glare at him, but you're sure it more looks guilty than anything else.

Theo scoffs and leans back. "I see how it is. Well, good luck with your Boy-Who-Lived and his friends who called you a Death Eater." He slams his spoon on the table and storms out of the classroom.

You wince at the name. And he's right. Ron called you a Death Eater. But how wrong is he really?

Blinking away the tears, you bottle up your potion and hand it to Snape. He inspects it and sends you off with a nod. You go to collect your stuff, when you notice Theo's scarf has fallen out of his bag. You pick it up and hesitate for a moment before pocketing it.

That Hogsmead weekend, when you have no desire to be around people, you sit in the snowy courtyard with Theodore's scarf around your neck. It still smells like him and his perfume.

You go largely unnoticed by the groups of students who pass you but a hand full of Gryffindors pique your interest.

You follow silently after them, overhearing them discuss a place where they can practice defensive magic.

"I may know a place." Your mouth moves before your brain can register what you just did, and the group turns around to you. The Weasley siblings don't look too pleased you've heard them, but Hermione and Harry smile.

After some coaxing from the two, the group follows after you, up the stairs to the seventh floor. You stop in front of a blank wall that's across from a tapestry that depicts a wizard trying to make trolls dance.

You close your eyes and think about a place where it is safe to practice your spells for a big enough group. Ron wants to say something, but at that moment a door materialises.

Smiling, you push the double doors open and reveal-

"The Room of Requirement", breathes Hermione out in wonder.

It's not as big as the Great Hall, but it surely can house enough students to practice in secret. Mirrors line the walls and cut off pilar miraculously hold up the room.

"The what?", asks Ron as he stands on the threshold of the room.

"It's also known as the Come and Go Room. The Room of Requirement only appears when a person has real need of it, and is always equipped for the seeker's needs."

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