Suprise (part 3)

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Sherlock😎 added Alex🌟, Amina😇, Kitty😻, Beans🍄, George🔎 and Lav😜 to the group.

Sherlock😎 named the group*Watson's Best Bday🥳*

Sherlock😎: so you all know it's almost Hazel's birthday. We are the party planning committee 😁. Any objections 🧐.

Alex🌟: umm since when are you a party planner.

Sherlock😎: since I fired my uncle 😁

Beans🍄: what will we do?

Amina😇: do you have a plan Alex or Daisy


Amina😇:^^ this is about to get interesting...

Sherlock😎: we should have a dress up party

Alex🌟: why ^^ what would we go as. I don't want my girlfriends birthday to be a Halloween party thanks

Lav😜: we could do it like world book Day. Hazel loves that

Kitty😻: please vote on ^ 💙is no 🖤is yes. I'll start
Amina😇:🖤 great idea.

Sherlock😎:🖤 we have no other options




Alex🌟:🖤 Hazel will love it.

Sherlock😎: right I'll send you the list of guests tomorrow.

Sherlock😎,Kitty😻,Alex🌟,Amina😇,Lav😜,Beans🍄 and George🔎 left the chat.

Right I better write that list... don't want them to know I didn't plan.

#Hazels guest list# by Daisy Wells

Uncle Felix and Aunt Lucy
Her mother
Rose and May
The planning committee

I'll add to that later... maybe. Hazel wants to go shopping so gotta hide this...

"Daisy, come on. One more shop, please".
"Alright Watson. NO not another clothes shop".


"Well Daisy. What do you think of the red dress? Maybe the purple one is better..."
"The red one. Pick the red one".
"Are you even looking". *sighs*
"I am... now". *continues texting*
"Right we'll just go home".
"Will I call Uncle Felix?"
While Hazel was getting cross at me, I was doing something very important.
Sherlock😎 and Lav😜are chatting:

Sherlock😎: I need help

Lav😜: YOU need MY help

Lav😜: with what

Sherlock😎: can you distract Hazel on Saturday morning while we get my Uncle's flat ready for the party.

Lav😜: ok. you do realise you only have a week to get the whole thing organised.

Sherlock😎: yes better go Hazel is talking to me

Lav😜:if you need anything else message me


Sherlock😎 left the chat.
Lav😜 left the chat.
Author's Note: what characters do you think the guests will go as??

Feel free to send me ideas for both this story and any ones you'd like me to do next.

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