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Zondo is trying to solve the case and so is Moroni na dthe other Detectives

Xomino and Haruka r out of the crime

Haruka thinks xomino was the one who did the crime

Haruka Pulls xomino's sleeve to ger her attention

Xomino looks at her confused

Xomino could tell from haruka's face that she wanted her to bend down

So xomino bends down

They shall start whispering

"Haruka" (why did u kill the lady???)

"Xomino" (I didn't tho)

"Haruka" (don't lie! U weren't anywhere to be seen when it happend)

"Xomino" (u were away from me being around zondo idiot)

"Haruka" (no! U were the one who walked away!!)

"Xomino" (Look 1 this isn't my doing 2 if u want to argue make it later rn im trying to focus on something)

"Haruka" (another target to kill really??)

"Xomino" (what? No! Itsnnot an nether target and im not the one who killed the lady plus its non of ur concerns )

Haruka spots a little blood on xomino's sleeve

Haruka grabs xomino's arm


"Xomino " (WHAT?!?!! )

"Officer" (sorry ma'am)

He handcuffs xomino

"Officer" (u r under arrest)

While the police were taking xomino away zondo noticed xomino death staring into Haruka
Haruka seems to be death staring at xomino as well

[The next day]

{The party is a week long}

Every guest slept in there own room tho mark and carl slept in the garden secretly

[At night ]

Haruka is with zondo and Moroni

Everyone is having a blast until

There is a screaming heard from one of the room

Zondo, Haruka and Moroni run to the crime scene

A women is standing infront of her husband's dead body

The police come and so does the Detectives

Haruka is with zondo ofc

And she seesm to be lost at mind and zoned out

Zondo does notice

He taps her on her shoulder to bring her bsck to zone

"Haruka" ( huh? Oh uh- yes?..-)

"Zondo" (r u alright? U seem kinds lost at mind is something bothering u?)

"Haruka" (ah...welp...yesterday as u was I told the police xomino was the killer of the lady tho....idk If she is the killer if she was she would come to continue her work...)

"Zondo" (why did u think it was her?)

"Haruka" (there were blood stains on her sleeve!)

"Zondo" (she touched to victim's body to check how long was the dead body dead for she must have accidentally touched his blood with her sleeve)

"Haruka" (ah....maybe she escaped?..)

"Zondo" (maybe but that's a low possibility.)

[Next day ]

The case is still going on

Xomino was then freed due to Moroni bailing her

"Xomino" (ty moroni )

"Moroni" (anything for my friend)

They get to the hotel

Haruka seems to be a bit down and looking at xomino ever few secs

Xomino doesn't even dare looks at Haruka or speak to her

[After few hours]

Xomino managed to manipulate someone and make then confess to a crime that didn't do

Haruka stayed with Moroni and zondo

Carl and mark r in xomino's room

She comes and sees them

"Xomino" (what brought u guys here?)

She seems very annoyed

"Mark" (cslm down xomin~~)he starts walking to her (we just came to pay a little visit~~)

He stoped at his tracks

Because xomino held a gun to his neck

"Xomino " (answer the damn question.. u came as a killing spree didn't u? And csrl told u abt the party)

"Mark" (since when were u smart?~~)

Xomino pins him to the wall

"Carl" (hey! Xomin calm do-)

he stops due to xomino giving him a stare of 1 step closet ur friend's dead

"Xomino" (answer the damn question)

"Mark" (hah! In ur dream hon!)

Xomino stabs him in the stomach

Mark pushes her away and has 1 hand on the stab and the other on his mouth and fells to the floor on his knees

Carl tried to attack xomino from behind but xomino protects her self

While she was protecting her self

Mark stabed her on the back and thwt made her faint

[With Haruka and the others]

"Haruka" ( im worried...)

"Zondo" (don't worry she will forgive u soon! I'm sure of it)

"Haruka" (may I atleast for the meantime stay with u guys?..)

"Moroni" (ofc harumi ! Count me as ur uncle now )

"Zondo" (ye QvQ )

"Haruka" ( k??-)

And they go on with the rest of there day

[End of chapter 9]

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