521 13 27

"Shut up I'm playing the guitar for you!"


Gustav and Bill made our manager take us so this random dusty place with a bunch of dirt bikes.

Bill shouts back, copying my tone.

"Where are we?"
Tom asks just as confused as I am, we both look at eachother when we see a whole open area of just dust and dirt.

"Ohh yes Bill!"
Tom gets excited and pumps his fist into the air making the ugliest face I've ever seen, yet still looking gorgeous.
Not fair.

"Wait, where are we though?"
I look over to Tom who just shrugs sarcastically and smiles at me.

"Okay come on get out of my car"
Our manager says smiling.
It's like everyone but me knows we're we are right now?
I walk beside Tom and we get closer to a small building.
Tom's excitement is basically radiating off of him as he skips up to the building with Bill and Georg.
Leaving me and Gustav to talk to eachother.

"So like where are we?"
I ask hoping Gustav will give me an answer.
He just smiles and giggles at me.

"Oh I really don't know"
He says sarcastically and pulls me along to get into the building.

"Uhm yeah, five please"
I hear Bill ask the man at the desk.

"We've only got four left unreserved"
The man says with a sorry expression, Tom and Bill sigh but when Tom turns around to face me it's like a lightbulb goes off.

"Ren do you want to share?"
He asks me with his beautiful begging face.

"Share what?!"
I yell, smiling not angry at the fact that none of them have told me where the hell we are.

"Dirt bikes?"
He smiles at me hopefully and puts his hands together."Please?"
He squeaks out, I eventually give in.
The thought of my arms being tight around Tom getting me excited.

Best choice of my life.


Me and Tom are going round in circles and doing donuts on our shared dirt bike.
My hands are gripping the front of his shirt so tightly I swear I'm about to rip it off if I move at all.

"It's fun ja?!"
He yells over the revving of the bike and laughs at my screams.

"Guys come on we have to go!"
We have another show before we have to leave tomorrow, I should also probably see my parents sometime before we have to get a plane to California.

"Tom come on!"
Bill yells from the door into the building.
Tom gets off the bike laughing and picks me up by my waist...
Fuck meee

He doesn't set me down, instead he carries me bridal style and takes me inside.
He puts me down when we get into the building again.

I hand my mask back to the man at the desk, the masks that keep dust out of our mouth.
Tom didn't wear one because he's 'immune to dust' as he says.
But I bet my life he's going to get sick later and complain about it.

We get back into our managers car and go to the hotels so we can get ready for our last show in Germany.

Tom says while he bends over to get in the car

"Yes tommy?"
Rolling my eyes, I think I know what he's going to say.
And it's going to make some people very annoyed.

"I feel sick, I definitely ate too much dust."
Of course.

The other three boys groan and whinge, I smile at Tom with a face that says 'told you so' because I had tried to make him use a mask about three times, He's just too stubborn.

"Shut up."
Tom slaps my arm and crosses his, he hates the fact that I'm right and I will use it to my advantage.

"What? I would say I told you so but you'd throw a bitch fit"
I giggle at his face as he turns to look at me, his dreads shifting on his shoulders.

"Okay fine you were right."
He whispers, almost silently.

"Sorry tommy what was that?"
I pull my ear up with my finger and ask him to repeat what he'd said.

"I said you were right okay ren?!"
He scoffs but then starts laughing along with me, smacking my knee whenever he doubles over wheezing.

"So Tom. Do you think you can play tonight?"
Bill asks, his voice holding some concern.

"Without throwing up? No."
Well that's what happens when you eat dust.

"Right we'll reni you'll have to play the guitar for him"
I smile to bill through the wing mirror, I'm excited because no one has seen me play the guitar yet.
At least no fans have.
Unless they saw that really embarrassing, cringe video I posted on Facebook a few years ago...

"Stop smiling like that, you look creepy as fuck"
Tom says, I turn to him and see a look of grimace on his face.
I slap his shoulder and he mutters a quick 'sorry'

"Shut up I'm playing the guitar for you!"

"And you'll do amazing by the way"
He smiles right in my face and holds my shoulders, I don't think he's realised he just pulled me onto him and I'm now pretty much laying on his chest.
His left arm across my waist and the other one fiddling with the hem of his shirt.
I shift to make myself more comfortable and place my hand on his knee to move myself but Tom makes a face of shock, my isn't hand isn't on his knee. It's well you know.

I whisper, shocked as well.

"No no, it's Uhm fine."
He gulps and leans his head back, sighing.

"Okay we're almost back, and reni you need to go to that hair appointment!"
I unbuckle my seatbelt and get ready to run out of the car.
I'm embarrassed. So so embarrassed.

"Okay bye guys!"
I jump over Tom's legs and start walking to my appointment.


Embarrassinggggg also if I start writing longer chapters they usually take me like almost two days so I won't update as often as I do now.

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