Why is he doing this

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Romalia's POV

I was about to leave for college with my dad but mom stopped me and said

"Romie wait!!"

"What happened mom"

"What's this..."

She took out a box from her behind...wait isn't this the box in which she packed the food for Lily yesterday...

Fuck!! I forgot to give Lily the food that my mom packed....I know I fucked up

"Mom I..."

"You what Romalia...I packed this food with so much love and you didn't even gave it to her"

"Mom I am really really sorry...I just...forgot"


She rolled her eyes and continued

"I am packing the food today and one extra for Ethan"

She glared at me and said "If you forgot today then everyone who knows you..will have to forget you because you'll be dead"

"I won't forget today I swear"

"You better not"

I turned to leave when she said

"Romalia what are you going to give them...Damn AIR"

"No... I'll give them the food you gave me"

"Where's the food"

"Umm..ohh sorry...go and pack it hurry up"


"I ain't dumb"

She scoffed and went to pack the food

"you made friends...and not one but two" My dad said

I looked at him smiling "Yeah dad"

"I told you... you'll definitely make friends" he patted my head

A big smile appeared on my lips

My mom came taking two boxes in her both hands

"Mom... aren't these kinda...big"

"No they are not" she looked at the boxes

"Mom I don't think they'll be able to eat all this"

"Shut up and take it"

I sighed....


I took them and opened my bag to put them in there...they are heavy

"Now may I go"

"Yeah you may go"

I hugged her "Bye"

She replied "Bye...don't forget to give them my food


Ethan's POV

I entered the college and saw a figure looking like... Romalia...I narrowed my eyes and yeah she is Romie

A smiled appeared on my lips

"Romie!!" I yelled

I was waving my hands at her but then I felt pain...and I hitched

She came running towards me and I bet the first thing she'll ask will be "How am I"

"How are you" she said

I told you...

"I am all fine looking like meal" I winked

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