move the day

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Today was the day I met my new husband.
But I couldn't stop thinking about the boy from yesterday.

Wait what if I never see him again...what if we see each other while I'm married to the prince...ughhhh.

As Im picking out a dress I decided to go for a beautiful green dress with floral patterns on it

As Im picking out a dress I decided to go for a beautiful green dress with floral patterns on it

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As I'm just finish off brushing my hair I hear a knock at the door.
"Princess" I hear a familiar voice call
"Come on" I shout to the door as I look back in the mirror I see the reflection of Eric.
"They are here your majesty" he bows.
I sign as I stand up brushing myself off as I do so getting ready to greet them.
As Eric walks out and I'm all alone I walk over to the balcony to see if I could see anyone but nothing.

So I turn to the door and head away from my life of freedom.
As I'm walking down the stairs i over hear my father talking with a man which I presume was his friend known as mark.

"Yes she will be down in a few seconds" my father informed "lovely...and Thomas here has been exited about meeting her haven't you son" he said back to my dad in a cheery voice then I heard a voice "yeah" he said with no emotion the voice sounded familiar but I can't point from where.

As I turn round the corner my eyes meet his.

It was him the boy from the forest as he sees me his eyes light up with joy and immediately starts smiling I start smiling back at him as I walk over to the 3 men.

"Ahh here she is Chloe meet Thomas and mark...Thomas is the man who I was telling you about your new husband" he explains to me "it's lovely to meet you Chloe" he grins kissing my hand "it's lovely to meet you to Thomas" I say trying not to smile.

Mark and my father left for me and Thomas to be alone and get to know one another.

"Chloe I just need to say you don't know how happy I am that you walked down those stairs I mean I thought I was getting engaged to a annoying girl" he told me I was just smiling so much "I'm glad it was you too thomas" I say putting my arms around his neck as he snakes his arms around my waist.

"Ya know we really did never get to finish our little chat in the forest" he whispers "there was nothing to finish" I say walking away joking with a smile on my face "oh really" he gasps in a joking way as he grabs my hand and pulls us into the position we was before.

"Ahem" we here someone cough we turn to see our fathers smiling with amusement.

We quickly pull away from one another and stand with our arms behind our backs "don't let us interfere we just wanted to know how things were going but I can see it's going well" mark smiles me and Thomas both look at one another and smiles.

"I have an idea as you two have seemed to have warmed up to one another quickly why don't we move the wedding to tomorrow" my father practically yells with joy "great idea graham(our fathers name)" mark smiles joyfully.

Me and Thomas just have a shocked look on our faces as our father walk away.

"Tomorrow?" I say "yea I guess that's it" Thomas frowns "not that I don't want to marry you...your a lovely girl Chloe and I know I can love you it's just freedom would go as soon as we say "I do" ya know" he explains to me "Thomas you don't have to explain it to me I feel the exact same way" I say holding his hand as I do so.

We both smiled at each other and had to just accept what was going to happen tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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