Chapter 6

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Stephanie's P.O.V.

After Nepeta left I went and got ready for the party and about 3 minutes later the door bell rang. Again. I walked down stairs and opened the door.

"hELLO," "hey, 2tephaniie." It was Sollux. "oH, uH, hEY sOLLUX," i stuttered. "are you and Tavro2 ready for the party?" Sollux asked. "yEAH, uH, i AM," i said, "cOME IN," Sollux walked in and sat on the couch.

After about 5 minutes Tav was ready. "lETS GO," he said and we were off.

An hour later and i was sitting on the couch next to Karkat. "WHY THE FUCK WOULD JOHN AND DAVE BE HERE?" Karkat asked me. "i DONT KNOW, oK," i told him getting up and walking over to Gamzee Makara. "hEY, gAMZEE," "HeY sTePhAnIe!" Gamzee said eating sopor pie. "hAVE YOU SEEN sOLLUX?" I asked. "No." Was his reply. I walked away and bumped into someone who reminded me of Gamzee but was a girl. "sORRY," i said.

I finally spot Sollux and walked over to him. He didnt seem so happy. "sOLLUX, wHATS WRONG?" I asked while seeing if he was hurt or not.

"feferii is no longer my matesprit!" He said. "iM SORRY," was all i said while he sat there looking sad. "iim goiing two go look for Miituna, ok?" He said. "yEAH, gO HEAD," i said. I watched as Sollux disappeared in the crowd of humans and trolls.

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