Magenta Dash = Loser

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Looks: Dark brown average height and weight pegasus with bluey magenta wings.Blue flashy mane with a magenta heighligth infront.

Big rounded magenta eyes and a rather timid expression always looking lost.Even tho his looks are loud to some ponys he is rather drawen back.Not the type to be noticed much other then his looks.

Clothes are usually seen as wimpy.Wearing a darker magenta fedora and a bowtie with the same color.He is rather styleish and he gets made fun out of cuz of this.He also likes the color blue its his second best color after pink.

Personality: Dash is knowen for not being the most outspoken so when he actually does speak up he gets made fun out of or laughed at.Some even argue with him for it.Cuz of this he has hard time.He likes to keep things peacful but can get mad too he is not emotionless even tho he seems peacful alot of times.

Alot think of him as ligtheaded pony or even naive when it comes to sertain situations.You gonna a hear alot of friendship talk from him and even wana play fun games which would be considered to be little pony like.

He likes a challange but is insecure.He has isues with self love.Blaze always seemed to outshine him when it came to flying even tho he wanted to be the first he was always the second or the loser.And even tho he dosent show it always bothers him when he isnt winning.

Ponys asume that Dash is not saying anything cuz he has nothing to say which is not true atall.He is smarter then he looks and is capable of blending in easily.He has a sense of direction.Calculates his movements everytime he speaks even the tinyiest things he notices.

Talent/Cutie Mark: Its a Magenta Storm.He is a trough and trough a rival but is seen as less.But when he does get a chance Its the most exicting battle you ever go trough which is why alot see him as the best Wonderbolt.Of course he is seen as second tho when it comes to Rainbow Dash even some see him as a blatent copy of her.Which again gives his inferiority complex a rise.

Not to mention how smart he can be when he tries to win not by strength alone but by using his calculations to win everything he is in.He has great reflexes aswel.

The thing is.He is a great racer but he hates the fact that he has to do it all alone.He likes compatiton but when Its not with Blaze Its not exacly the same.He still does it but it became more of a job for him then something he enjoys full heartedley.

Past: After his sister Bluey died it really traumatized him.But he didnt given up completley.He swore to find the pony who did the fire and do whatever it takes to stop them from causing harm ever again.He also gets help from his cousin Liliac Finder who is good at investigations as a private investigator herself.

They get stuck for awhile and as he gets more desprate he decides to get help from somepony unexpected.Aslong as he can find that person and take revenge on them he dont cares whatever happends afterwords.That was made his only true dream after Blueys death.

His role in the Killing Game (Spoiler Free): He wants to survive of course.Also help Blaze but Its not just about him he has other goals aside him.He does like him more then Blaze likes tho which seems to be a big problem betwen them.Dash is always the second and Lemon is always the first.

Which makes those two rivalize alot.Dash is seen as the good support that tries to help Blaze turn back to the good side but he keeps on following the bad pony.This is how it seems from the outside.

It is true Dash is seen as a helpless pup who tries desprateley to be involved with Blaze who just dont gives asmuch of a fuck about him anymore and always gets turned into second or third place.Which is why Dashes role even if it sad to admit is the Losers.He cant win with these two...

Writers last note: He keeps on losing and losing.First his sister now who knows who else he will lose.Now yes his past isnt as long as the others was.But Dashes life is more about him not geting what he wants and not being happy even if he gets what he wanted.It dont matters to him if he aint first place thats all he wants no seconds.

Losers will lose.

Thats his mindset And unfortunateley for him he keeps on losing.Even tho he wants to be the winner for once...

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