Chapter 5

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Friday 4:07 pm
"Hey Emily! Can you come over my house today we can see if Mary shaw is really real which she is!" Said Whitney. "Let me ask my moma she'll probably say no though I have a lot of chorus." "Well maybe after your chores".
"I don't know, oh here's our bus!"
Whitney and Emily got on the bus and sat at there regular spot. Row 7 section 3.
"Hey loser!" Said lanes Jane as she threw a rolled up paper at them. "Hi Jane" moaned Whitney and Emily. "THATS LANES JANE TO YOU!" "What do you want?" Questioned Whitney. "I heard your phone is possessed" "Ya so what" "let me se it!" "Hey give it back!" "Ahhh ooo so scary! I thought your lock screen changes!" "Only sometimes now give her phone back and leave Emily alone!" "Whatever! I bet your just doing it to get attention!" "Just ignore her Whitney"
Emily got home checked the mail, and went inside. "Hey moma" "hey Emily don't forget to do your chores!" "Ya ya moma I will, uhh mom I have a question". "What is it?" "Uhh after I do my chores, can I go to whitneys house?" "Emily you know we don't have the gas money to take you" "I can walk!" "How far is it?" "Just the next neighborhood over" "If you do all your chores then yes." "THANK YOU!!! I LOVE YOU!" "AND if it's alright with her moma" "Her moma don't care" "okay go do your chores"
It's 5:06 pm now
"Okay moma I'm going to go now" "okay come back at 9:30" "I will bye I love you" bye I love you too"
Knock knock!
Whitney opens the door
"Hey Emily! I thought you'll never come!" "I told you had a lot of chores!" As Emily came in. "Hey, nice to see you again Emily". Said Whitney's mom. "Hey mrs.harret" "come on Emily" Whitney grabbed Emily's wrist and rushed her into her room."Whitney? Why do you have candles in a circle?" "I don't know I watched it on a show its for spirits. The candles were 59¢." "My moma said not to mess with that stuff like that one game Charlie Charlie." "Did she Mary shaw" "well nooooo" "then it's fine!" "Okay I guess so" "let's get started! Sit in the middle of the candles" "don't you have to light them?" "Oh ya!"
"Okay there all lit lets get in the middle!" "Now what?" "We have to turn the lights off" "okay there off" "now we have to sing the song!" "Uhh are you sure about this Whitney?" "Are you scared? I thought you said it's just a legend and it's not real!" "Whatever lets just Sing the song" "okay ready 1 2 3" "beware the stare of Mary shaw, she had no children only dolls, if you see her in your dreams be careful not to scream, or she'll rip your tongue out the seem" "nothing is happening..." "It should well I think it should" WOSHHH. The candles blew out. "Oh no now what! Said Emily in concern. "I I I don't know" "what's that!!!" "It's a face!" AHHHHHHH RUNNNN! "Mom mom MOM!" "What what! What is it?" "There's a face on the wall!" "Where?" "IN MY ROOM!"
They ran in whitney's room. "Uhh where's the face?" "It was right there!" Emily pointed in the corner. "What is all these candles?" "Uhh it's nothing were haveing a a a" Whitney studered and looked at Emily. " "A party!" Emily finished whitney's sentence. "Oh well Emily it's 9:20 pm don't you have to go home At 9:30?" "Yes I have to go thanks for having me" "do you want me to drive you? It's raining out". "Really you'll do that?!" "Yeah I can" "thanks mrs.harret!"
They were in the tight little car. Emily was looking at the rain falling down. Then she saw a figure just like the one in her window.

"WHITNEY WHITNEY! There's that figure thing I was telling you about!" "What lemme see!" POOF! "It's gone it did the exact same thing in my window!"
"Okay Emily were here" said whitney's mom "oh thanks for having me again" "no problem"

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