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My alarm woke me up. I sit up and look down at myself, realising I had fallen asleep on the sofa watching Netflix with half of the bottle of wine laid on the floor. I peaked single-hood haven't I? Bridget Jones would be bloody proud. I turn my alarm off and sigh. Running my hands through my hair and thinking about the day ahead. I have my job interview at 11, so I'll make it into town for that, and then get some bits I need. Maybe call at IKEA. I grab my little notebook and pen and begin to plan my day ahead, rubbing my eyes as I wake up. It's going to be a busy day.

Once I've showered and searched through my cases for something remotely smart to wear, I head out my flat. Walking towards the lift, I see Kiera.

"Hey!" I call out to her.

"Hey." She smiles back as the lift doors open. "Job interview?" She asks, looking over my outfit.

I look down at pastel blue pantsuit and white heels. "Do I look okay?" We both enter the lift.

"You look gorgeous." She smiles. "What's in the plastic bag?"

"My trainers." I chuckle, holding the bag up then showing her my heels.

"So, where you headed?"

"Going to grab a Starbucks first, then heading over for my interview at Elegance."

"Oo, Elegance?" She admires me. "Good-fucking-luck girl."

I understand her reaction and it's rightly so. Elegance is a marketing company that is well-known for representing big brands. This interview is a huge deal for me, I need to do fucking good. "Hopefully I do well."

Kiera gives me a tight hug, which surprises me to say we'd only met less than 15 hours ago. "You'll do great I'm sure."

We pull apart, leaning against each side of the lift. "Well if I get it, say celebratory drinks at mine on Friday?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." She says. "Even if you don't get it, we can have sad drinks instead." She replies, making me chuckle.

I follow her out and the each of us get into our cars. I take some deep breaths and grab my white satchel, taking out my CV and searching through it, whispering to myself words of wisdom. I smile at myself in my rear view mirror. I start my engine and as I'm about to pull out, Arthur speeds past on his motorcycle. Damn, has he been out all night?

He pulls up in his spot and pulls off his helmet, throwing his head about so his curls fall out the way of his eyes. I notice his lip is cut and looking fatter on one side of his mouth, making me frown.

Don't think about it. Don't think about it. He's rude anyway and you have a career move to think of. He doesn't care about my worries anyway. I don't look any further and make my journey into the city. As I'd said to Kiera, I grab a coffee from Starbucks and then park up outside Elegance's building. I head inside, feeling fairly confident, and head to the front desk. "Hi, I have an appointment with Joy Bishop." I greet the receptionist sweetly.

"Take a seat, she'll be ready for you soon."

I nod with a grin and take a seat. I sit tall and remain calm. If I look nervous, it could make me look unprepared. I need this job. This is the role for me.

"Clarissa Winters?" I hear being called.

"Yes." I stand up, coming eye level with a gorgeous, sincere smile.

"Hello there, I'm Joy Bishop. It's lovely to meet you."

"You too." I reply enthusiastically, shaking her hand.

"Come on through." She invites me.

I grab my coffee and satchel and turn to face her. "Do you mind if I bring my coffee in with me?"

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