The Maze

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Our shoes make light clicking sounds on the cold metal floor as we try to get through the difficult maze. "This way" my brain tells me but obviously Niall's brain tells him something different as he chooses to go the other way. However neither of us noticed when we parted so we were now both lost.

"Hey look at the blood on the wa...." But I was cut of when I looked back to see nothing but pure evil maze staring back at me. "N...Nia....Niall?" I say terrified, "I... If you j...joking this is not f..funny!" I yell scared out of my wits. Tears start to roll out if my eyes as I realize that Niall must be... It kills me to even say the word... Dead. I sob out my heart and my life also knowing I would be next.


As I look frantically for Trisha I hear cries of sobbing, oh! Great now there will be a creepy little girl stuck in here that I will have to eventually die for in the end and she won't be the least bit grateful! But nevertheless I walk towards the cries and find Trisha. "What the fuck?!?!" She screams "please don't eat me it's me Trisha please remember!!!" "Trish..." I say confused "are you ok..." "Wait. You didn't die and come back as a zombie?" She says just as confused as I am "no...all that happens is that we last each other..." "pft I knew that..." She laughs and gets up off the ground. "Come on we'll stick together" I say looking at her with a smile.


"HA HA HA!!!!!" "Shit Niall what the fuck was that?!?!" I say really panicking but the only reply I get is "run" so that is what we do. We run. We sprint. But that stops when I run into a wall and all goes black.

My eyes strike open looking at the things around me well we are still in this fucking house of horrors! Niall is taped and chained to a old but strong brick wall... I just noticed... So am I. However we were not hanging I am standing on...hay? My eyes look away from the substance under my feet as I see the most fucking creepy clown ever.... Uh oh, clowns are never good news. It gives Niall a horrific toothless smile and then without moving his bloody body he turns his head 180 degrees to do the same to me. Then he reaches into his scary pocket of souls and pulls out a box of matches and lights one and sets a bit of hay on fire "hay burns!!!" He yells at us what the fuck...? Then I remember what we are standing on "crap" I say thinking of a way to get out of a situation like this, I learnt to handle difficult situations in school but they didn't teach us how to survive if you are trapped in a house of horrors and about to get burnt alive by a fucking evil clown!

The clown lights another match as he walks over to Niall "NOOO!!!" I scream as loud as I can. Niall tries his best to get the clown away from him but failing "FUCK OFF U CUNT!!!" Niall yells in his adorable Irish accent wait, no this is not the time to be thinking of Niall's adorable accent!

As the clown gets closer Niall simply blows and the match goes out. It was that simple. The clown looks puzzled as he sits on the floor and starts to light then blow out all the matches he smiles at it creepily, huh, clowns are SOO stupid!

While the clown is distracted I get my bobby pin out of my hair and unlock my limbs one by one the clown still not noticing me or me unlocking Niall. Suck a dick mother fucker I said in my head as Niall and u strolled away even this is not the time to be strolling.


Heyy ma loyal readers I WUV u all!❤

Comment what u want to happen cause I have a massive writers block already!!!!!!


P.S sorry that the chapters are SOO short!

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