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My eyelids flutter for a few seconds while my mind registers the environment. The bright light flowing in through the large windows assault my poor eyes, weakening my vision.
It must be past midday, so why has nobody woken me yet?

An acrid smell penetrates my nostrils, stirring my stomach. I quickly press a hand on my nose in a weak attempt to block the foul air.

"Dear Lord, what is that?"

Slowly, I push aside the covers to sit up, just as the door opens. Aliya and Amber(my personal servant) rush in looking pale.

"You looked like you had departed," Aliya cries.

I push an assuring smile, "You won't do away with me that easy sister."

"Take away the bucket!" She orders Amber.

My servant quickly grabs a bucket from the floor, right beside my bed, and leaves. So that's the source of the horrible smell?

"What, what happened?"
The events of yester night are a little fuzzy. All I remember is getting drunk and taking Argon for a walk.

Aliya sits on the bed, takes my hands, and smiles warmly. "You were intoxicated. For some reason, you thought it was the best idea to wait for us in the carriage. Such a wise decision. Luckily Argon was with you the entire time." She praises, her eyes traveling to the other side of the bed.

My heartbeats start to elevate to the possibility of my familiar being present.

I hesitate to follow her gaze.

"Is he here?" I ask in a suppressed whisper.

Aliya giggles urging me to look to my left... I take a second to gather the needed courage to face the demon, but to my surprise, he is asleep on the little sofa, a blanket placed over his frame that barely covers his legs.

"He spent the night here?" I whisper again.

Aliya whispers back, knowing very well that a little part of my soul has developed fear towards Argon. "Yes! Father allowed him when he refused to leave the room."

My eyes grow round.
"Does father even care about my dignity?"

"Don't be silly Daya, familiars cannot harm their masters or do anything if you're unwilling."

I send her a half glare. "But I wasn't myself last night. What if..." My hands fly to my shoulders in what feels like an embarrassed self-embrace.

Aliya places her hand on mine. "Calm down Daya, Amber was also here."

My glare now intensifies. "Why hadn't you said that from the beginning?" I cry and she chuckles.

"You grow silly by the day!"
My sister rises after the witty insult.
"Come down for lunch when you're ready. I'll have the Mrs Smith warm it."

I nod, and then watch her walk out.

My body slumps back on the bed, my head falling on the soft pillows. It feels so peaceful in the room that I almost forget about Argon.
Oh! Him!

"You look different when you sleep," I whisper while poking his cheek teasingly. This is the first time I'm touching him, and I cannot comprehend just how soft his skin feels. My fingers trace his strong jawline and halt at his red lips.
They look so soft and attractive. I immediately slapped my temple at that indecent thought. 

Argon stirs, his head tilts slightly and slides on my palm. It now looks like I'm cupping his cheek with my tiny hand. But that doesn't compare to the strange feeling bubbling in my body. It's like a soft warmth originating from my chest and spreading all over, weakening my knees. I gasp jerking away from him.

"It's nothing, pull yourself together," I murmur turning away from him.

When I feel that I have dispersed all that heavy energy, I whirl around and hit a warm wall. I squeal as the wall instantly collapses on the sofa, dragging me down with it.

The air in my lungs is knocked out as we both fall. Our hairs seem to interlock and clash at the same time. His, was whiter than the winter snow while mine, was blacker than Mrs Smith's pots.

I breathe out, and Argon breathes in. We are now sharing our breaths as I had read in the novels. Our eyes are chained to each other and I'm unable to look away no matter how inappropriate we are positioned.

The devil whispers things in my ears, bad things. I hear my heart drumming wildly, a little more speed and it will fly out of my chest like an arrow.

I feel Argon's hands on my waist, he must have tried to support me during the fall. But now, now they hold me in place. He is touching me and I am touching him, my hands on his shoulders.

"I...we..." The extra energy returns. This time, stronger and mercilessly. I can feel my center sending out some small waves.
I have never felt like this before, it is an entirely new phase for my body. And it is leaving me dumbstruck.

His fingers dig into my clothes, as though he is angry. Yet his eyes remain calm.

"Argon? We should...you...me..." I have no idea what is happening to my speech and thoughts.

I want to tell him to release me, but my body wants to remain on top of his. I want to continue taking in his air and scent. It's selfish and indecent and I should be ashamed, yet I seem not to care.

Out of nowhere, he gives me a wicked smirk, and oh Lord! His lips! I want to have a taste of them, to feel what it's like to kiss and be kissed. My emotions and rational thinking are traveling in different directions.

I shouldn't!
But I want to.

I BOUGHT THE DEVILWhere stories live. Discover now