Chapter I

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My eyes opened. I was sliding out of a block of ice surrounded by multiple men and women in lab coats. Once all the ice finally melted I stayed still on all fours as one man approached be. He was bald on top with hair on the sides, he was old and wrinkly with snow white hair and glasses. "Hello there, my name is Charles do you know yours?" he said to me in an odd accent, probably french. "Um it's... uh..." my mind was blank. I didn't know my name. luckily something clicked. "Logan. My name is Logan Porter." Charles stared at me thinking for a second until he said "What year do you think it is?" I was afraid to know where this was going but I answered anyway "uh... 20... 2015." He stood there inhaled and told me "Mr. Porter the year is actually 2572, you've been frozen still ice for 557 years and are still alive, you should have died from all that but since you didn't... well just follow me." Charles walked to the door and I followed although my legs were very wobbly.

After a short walk through a couple hallways he led me on a balcony that faces a large square room. "Jump down" I looked at him with a confused look on my face. I can barely walk and he wants me to jump down 8 meters or maybe more. "Trust me if you are who I think you are this won't be hard." I sighed and decided there was nothing else to do. As I got in position to jump Charles explained a litter more "You see there have been others like you discovered in frozen ice still alive and after we encountered them we soon learned they were specially 'gifted'. We need to make sure your one of them until we may proceed" I nodded and let go of the railing. I wasn't really sure what was happening but my body began to move by itself to position me in the perfect landing stance. I was so startled I tripped on the landing so that whole "perfect" landing isn't very accurate.

Still I was fine meanwhile Charles took out a remote "If you are what I think you are your reflex's should be greatly increased." I stood in the center of the room as I watched Charles push a button causing holes in the wall to appear. A metal ball flies out at me "OW!" I yelled as the ball hit me. "make sure you stay on the middle I really need to do this test correctly" Charles yelled from above. Another ball flew out from a different hole. "OW!" I know understood what to do so i waited for the next ball and half way in the air I saw it coming and quickly ducked. Then came another and I ducked once again. Soon I realized ducking wasn't going to work. The balls shot slower so then could hit lower.

I really had to focus so I took a deep breath saw the metal sphere fly to me and I grabbed it right then and there like a baseball. I quickly dropped it and caught the next one but the balls were coming quicker. I thought fast and grabbed the ball in mid-air watched the next one come and threw the ball in my hand to the one coming at me. I repeated this until it was over. The walls were raised slightly and sucked the balls out. "Excellent now the next test" Charles said from the balcony who was now joined by two other men observing me. The ground next to me was being raised into a box shape. "Break the box to get a gift" One of the other men said while Charles took notes. I walked up to the box and hit it. No dent. I hit it again. Nothing. "I started hitting it as fast and hard as I could but nothing ever happened. Two minutes passed of just hitting the box until I started getting angry. I brought my hand back, shut my teeth tight, and hit the box hard enough to make a dent. Quickly while I still had the momentum I hit it again and again until I penetrated the box grabbed the inside of the wall and ripped it off. Inside was a beautiful knife. It was silver and curved with two holes in the middle and a black handle made of something I didn't recognize.

I turned around to see a robot come off from the balcony. "For your final test you must defeat one of our advanced military droids in battle with the knife." I nodded. It came charging at me quickly but I did not panick. It raised its metal fist in mid-sprint but I ducked and stabbed it right it the chest. It fell. I looked at the three men on the balcony all of them suprised "Well I am amazed! Nobody has ever destroyed one of our droids that quickly! Usually takes multiple shots with a assault rifle before it shuts down!" The man on the left said. Charles added "he's one of them and a strong one" They helped me up and brought me to a room to rest and get some clothes.

I put on black jeans and shirt about an hour passed until Charles came in. "You mind sitting up?" I did. He turns around and takes something out of his coat while he talks "After analyzing our notes we are quite certain your one of the 'gifted' people so now if you dont mind holding still.

He turns around with a pistol in his right hand, The kind of pistol meant for hurting people not the kind for hunting or just protection but a gun for killing. "What are you doing..." I was nervous. "Your kind are very harmful to the rest of us and I am sorry but with that power your have your a threat to mankind. You may have not done anything yet but I am not going to sit here and wait for you to do something." He was talking calmly but he had an angry tone. "No please don't" I had a hand to my face. "I am truly sorry" he raised the gun "I'm sorry." I thought quickly and grabbed the gun right out of his hand. He didn't have a chance to pull the trigger or anything. I hit him in the stomach then push him on the the ground. He tries to kick me but I grab his legs and punch him in the face. His nose starts bleeding and I get off gun still in my hand. "You see this is why we have to get rid of you! You have no control over your self!" I stared at him for a second "Just because I try and defend my self while im getting attacked doesn't mean im a maniac but killing someone because they may do something bad is insane so you know what screw you." I raise the gun, he covers his face, I shoot.

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