Chapter VI

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I don't wake up until around 10:00. "Porter report to the main entrance for trail." my lasers shut off and Jack gets up to looks at me. "Goodluck" I nod. "Wait Logan." I move closer to him "If they do choose to kill you don't let them do it, if they are gonna kill you then make it count and run. See how far you can get." I nod again.

I go through the steel doors and see man in a suit, he has light brown hair and mostly bald but with a combover. "Hi there! I'm Randy, your lawyer." I look at him confused "I don't have a lawyer." He realizes I am confused "Oh yes I know, I am volunteering to be your lawyer and you don't really have a choice. It's no secret most people think your innocent but the jury will probably be bribed so facing the judge by yourself won't be easy which is where I come in" We walk outside and there is a car waiting there, it looks like a bugatti but you can definatly tell it's not. We get in. "Here put this on" He hands me a suit which is when I realize I have been wearing the same clothes since Viktor kidnapped me. The suit is all black with a balck vest, white undershirt, and a balck tie with blue stripes. "Put it on here?" He shakes his head and drives up to a bathroom "Don't try running away i'm here to help you.

I go in the bathroom where there is one other man combing his hair. The bathrooms are much different than the old ones or even the ones back at the base. It's all automatic which is helpful at least. once I get dressed the guy isn't there and Randy is still waiting. We drive to a large building which is obviousily the court. Not much has changed, lookwise. We walk in were many people and a camera crew are watching us enter. At the front are two seats reserved for us, on the other side is a elder man in a suit with short gray hair and glasses. The judge is also a older man but totally bald "We are gathered here today to view the case of Mr. Nicholas Alfero versus Logan Porter who is charged with murder, theft, evasion of police pursuit and being a reborn." The last part caused a short murmer in the crowd. "Mr. Alfero you may speak your opening statment." He stands up "As most of you know I am the founder of Alfero labs, A few weeks ago this man escaped his so called 'execution' although I would just like to point out there is no proof that there was an execution but there is proof we were trying to help this poor fellow until he shot one of my top scientest, that IS a reason why they should've executed him. All this misunderstanding has proven that his kind are uncontrolable killers, this... this is why we have been killing these kinds of people." He sits down. That was the most ridiculous story I have ever heard.

The judge then looks at Randy "Mr. Porter's lawyer, Mr. Adams will be defending him. Your opening statement." Randy stands up staring at Alferdo. "Your mouth is full of crap" He sits down.

Everybody was shocked and staring. I lean in and whipser to him, "What the heck was that!" He holds his hand up to my face, lowers it and whispers "Well, first of all his opening statement wasn't even an opening statement, and second of all it's obvisous the judge is bribed because he didn't even say anything about his terrible statemnt. Besides if things go bad I have a back up plan." He leans back and sits straight.

I notice Randy is stressed "Are you ok" The judge begins saying something, which I don't pay attention to, then Mr. Alfero begins talking. "I have a confession I need to make." I look at him confused, "I am not a lawyer, Allen sent me." I almost yell but keep my mouth quiet "What? why didn't you tell me?" He looks at jury who is eyeing us "They were watching us leave the prison and they bugged my car, the court full of people was the only place I could say something." I personally thought this was still a bad time to be talking.

"Mr. Adams, you may now do a direct examination of Mr. Alfero unless you have some other witness." The judge was making it difficult to try anything clever. " uh, ok I would like to call Nicholas Alfero to the stand." He gets up and walks to the stand where a man holding a bible comes up to him where Alfero puts his hand on the bible "Do you promise to tell the truth and the whole truth" He responds "I do" Randy scratches the back of his hair "Mr. Alfero, You own one of the biggest research labs in the nation which you have made a lot of money from correct?" Alfero nods "Yes." Randy walks close to him "And if you wanted to you could use this money in your time of need like say... to bribe the judge and jury?" There is a breif moment of silence. Randy isn't trying to be careful, he is ready for whatever happens to happen. "Well I could if I wanted to." Randy nods "Ah, you could... and did you? Please remember you are under oath." I can see the wrinkles on the mans face shake.

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