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All 4 were sitting in room, relaxing and enjoying their villanous victory.....

Harsh:- dude, that was amazing....

Yuvi:- that Rohan will never dare to complain against us again....

Abhi:- not only Rohan but all other little Chipmunks.....

Rudra: shouldn't we celebrate this victory, what says yuvi? Let's go to bar....

Yuvi:- I'm agreed with it, harsh are you coming?

Harsh:- harshvardhan never misses a golden chance guys....let's go...abhi dude aren't you coming?

Abhi:- I will but, after sometime you go have fun I will be joining you afterwards.

Yuvi:- ok fine but, we are waiting for you.


By listening this they all went out but, abhi was still there.

In his balcony, watching the moon of full moon day.

Just then Rehan come and asked,

Rehan: big bro , aren't you going with them?

Abhi:- no Rehan, I will be going sometime later....

Rehan:- you are looking distrub big bro? What's the matter?

Abhi:- Rehan, I think someone is going to disobey me behind my back.

Rehan:- who would dare to go against The ABHIMANYU SINGH RATHORE !!

Abhi:-(with smirk) some are still unaware about abhimanyu singh rathore and I will make them realise themselves by myself...

Rehan:-hmm...then good night big bro.

Abhi:- hmm good night little once

While Rehan was gone, Abhimanyu was still in his balcony feeling the baze of air, as it was mild November the air was little cold.

He closed his eyes and suddenly, open it he was looking dangerous with his aura....

It was dot 9 pm,

With a smirk he went to college campus,....

College campus,

Both mugdha and urvi were present in campus wearing their night dresses.

Both mugdha and urvi were present in campus wearing their night dresses

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Mugdha's nightdress

Mugdha's nightdress

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